plz check my Task1

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plz check my Task1

Post by infreege »

This is my first try of Task1
Plz check mistakes. Thank you so much for your kindness! :D

The table shows the advertising expenses of four car companies in 2002, comparing five categories: press, cinema, radio, outdoors and TV.

Three car manufacturers prefered TV advertisement to other advertisement types given, except for Car B, which spent the most on cinema advertisement. While both Car A and C spent the least on advertising via cinema, Car B and D spent the lowest cost on radio and press respectively.

Car A heavily invested on TV advertisement by spending $33,030, which was more than three times bigger than other four categories combined. Also this company showed the lowest expenditure on cinema among four given companies. Car B spent approximately similar amount on press and outdoors advertisements, of $1,900 and 20,000 each, while spending the smallest amount of money on TV compared to other manufacturers. Car C showed only $600 difference with Car D when it came to cinema advertisement. Also its lowest investment of $12,000 was on outdoors, which was the same amount of money that Car D spent on radio. It is clear that Car D spent the biggest amount on TV advertisement among given four manufacturers.
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Re: plz check my Task1

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »


Not bad - especially for a first attempt! Remember to include key pieces of data and compare them where necessary. Don't forget to use a range of comparatives structures, e.g. double, triple, half, etc. Grammar and vocabulary are very good, as is coherence - nice range of connectives.

All the best,
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Re: plz check my Task1

Post by Flick »

infreege wrote: The table shows the advertising expenses of four car companies in 2002, comparing five categories: press, cinema, radio, outdoors and TV.

Three car manufacturers preferred TV advertisement to other advertisement types given, except for Car B, which spent the most on cinema advertisement.(<--Reword to: "Cars A, C and D spent the most on TV advertising, $33,010, $40,300 and $55,300 respectively, while Car B only spent $5,300 on TV advertising.") While Cars A and D spent the least on advertising via cinema, $1,000 and $15,000, Cars B and D spent the least on radio, $1,200 each, and press, $1,900 and $1,050, respectively.

Car A heavily invested in TV advertising by spending $33,030, more than three the other four categories combined. Also, this company showed the lowest expenditure on cinema advertising among the four companies. Car B spent approximately the same amount on press and outdoors advertisements, at $1,900 and $20,000 each,(<--This is not the same amount. There is $18,000 difference between these figures.) while spending the smallest amount of money on TV advertising compared to other manufacturers, with only $5,300 spent. Car C showed only $600 difference with Car D when it came to cinema advertisements. Also, its lowest investment of $12,000 was on outdoor advertisments, which was the same amount of money that Car D spent on radio.(<--This is wrong. Car C spent $12,000 on outdoor ads. Car D spent $1,200 on radio ads.) It is clear that Car D spent the biggest amount on TV advertisement among the four manufacturers.
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