This is my first try of Task1
Plz check mistakes. Thank you so much for your kindness!

The table shows the advertising expenses of four car companies in 2002, comparing five categories: press, cinema, radio, outdoors and TV.
Three car manufacturers prefered TV advertisement to other advertisement types given, except for Car B, which spent the most on cinema advertisement. While both Car A and C spent the least on advertising via cinema, Car B and D spent the lowest cost on radio and press respectively.
Car A heavily invested on TV advertisement by spending $33,030, which was more than three times bigger than other four categories combined. Also this company showed the lowest expenditure on cinema among four given companies. Car B spent approximately similar amount on press and outdoors advertisements, of $1,900 and 20,000 each, while spending the smallest amount of money on TV compared to other manufacturers. Car C showed only $600 difference with Car D when it came to cinema advertisement. Also its lowest investment of $12,000 was on outdoors, which was the same amount of money that Car D spent on radio. It is clear that Car D spent the biggest amount on TV advertisement among given four manufacturers.