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Re: Sharing materials, 28 of Feb. academic ILETS

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:33 pm
by ieltsInSydney
I have collated speaking topics that people posted from 28th Feb GT

Initial basic ques- Name , country etc
About your home
which room do you like? y?

Which job do you think is important in your country?
Why is it important?
What special trainings are required for that job?

Criteria for choosing a job?
Has the situation changed from the past?
From what age can a child can enter into full time job
Which is important?? Family life or Work?
If giving importance to the work how will it affect the society???

1-first topic about would you prefer to live in a house or apartment
2- would you like sleeping a lot and how many hours do you sleep everyday and why
3- what kind of colours are popular for rooms inside apartment in your country
4-CUE CARD:- COLOURS, tell about a place you visited full of colours and what did you do there and why
5- part 3 about advertisements and colours of advertisements and if you like it bright or no and if you like to see advertisements in the street
6- part 3 also about the colours and weather the colours in houses reflect something or not..

cue card: favorite music band/singer
Why is traditional music important?
Should children be taught traditional music?
an so on..

1st part just general things:
Where are from?
What do YOU do?
Do YOU Mike Your job?
Is Your city a good One to live?
Do YOU often go shopping?
What was the last thing YOU bought?
Do YOU prever small or big places to shop?

2nd part:
Which program on TV or radio do YOU often listen to?
What is it?
What is that about?

3rd part:
Mainly related to TV AND radio programa
Should be allowed in certain times or not
The famous TV program nowadays
Kids could learn BY TV or radio
Are there other sources instead of TV or radio

From my experience and based on other people experience, seems that communication is the topic for the speaking part.

Mine was :

1st part, introduce myself, describe the place I live in

2nd part : describe an interesting conversation you had. When, where and with who

3rd part: why people are nervous when they need to give presentation either at work or school.
Is public speech necessary?

1. Do you work or study? + few questions related to my work.
-Do you like looking at the sky? + few questions when and why?
-Is the library a good place for reading? Why?

2. Que card. To tell about your friend who is a leader.
Where and when and how did you meet? Is your friend a good leader?

3. Is it good to be a leader? Does anyone can become a leader? Should managers be paid higher than their staff? Should managers ask their workers opinion re the company or should they ask advice from them (smth like that)? +few more questions related to the subject.

Question was about SKY
Do you see sky?
At what time you like the sky to be watched?
What do you like most about it?

Cue card was to speak on childhood toy.
Who gave you?
Why it is important to you?

Part 3
Should children be given electonic toys?
Why toys are given to children as per their gender?

n the first part he asked me about the houe and apartment(which of them do I prefer), about the shop in my district. about TV(what do I prefer to watch), about the sleeping (is it good to sleep a lot)
describe place near to the water
where is it
when did you know about this place
what do you do there
The next question were about the water.
Why do people prefer to spend their holidays near to the water?
What kind of activities do you do near the water?
Do you think that there are some differences in water consumption between people in cities and countryside?

Re: Sharing materials, 28 of Feb. academic ILETS

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:52 am
by bakonet
Speaking questions -1st March 2015
1. Your home or Apartment? Do you like it? Are there many shops and facilities around? What do you like to do on weekend? Is it planned? Favorite TV programs? Do you think children spend too much time watching TV nowadays?
2. Cue card: A piece of music in your childhood.
3. What kind of music do different generations in your country listen to? Why do people listen to different kinds of music when they grow older? Do you think music should be a compulsory subject? Why do shops turn on music? Is street music a kind of noise pollution?

Also I want to ask if I only spoke for around 1 minute in part 2(I ran out of ideas but my English was quite fluent), but I am confident in part 3, can I still be severely penalized to below 6.0? Is it still possible to get 6.5 or 7.0 :(((