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Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:02 pm
by monir301
my skype : md.monir.hossen05

Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:15 am
by dgulati

7th Feb questions for Writing and speaking in india as follows:

1. Writing Task 2

Happiness can be achieved through wealth . Discuss?

Speaking Topic

Sports ...

How sports are important in your country ?....


Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:00 pm
by monicamukhra
Hi Everyone,

I am also appearing for exam on 28th Feb 2015. My speaking was on 25th Feb. Please stay motivated, relax and confident while answering... its not that tough.

Question was about SKY
Do you see sky?
At what time you like the sky to be watched?
What do you like most about it?

Cue card was to speak on childhood toy.
Who gave you?
Why it is important to you?

Part 3
Should children be given electonic toys?
Why toys are given to children as per their gender?


Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:24 pm
by takergt
If you can post questions on writing/speaking for GT - Feb 28, it would be great... I am on EST timezone and I have to apply for the exam on Fe 28 GT...Please don't forget to post it here..

Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:58 am
by nivea77
Anyone from NZ taking the test tommorow?

I can offer speaking practice before the test in exchange for questions in the writing module.

This is for general ielts.

Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:10 am
by iliyas
28febguy wrote:I have GT on 28th Feb 1 PM GMT + 5:30 and Speaking on 1st march
I will share questions as soon as i come out of test center.

Any one else who give exam earlier, please share your questions.
Hi, I have passed speaking on 26th of February
In the first part he asked me about the houe and apartment(which of them do I prefer), about the shop in my district. about TV(what do I prefer to watch), about the sleeping (is it good to sleep a lot)
describe place near to the water
where is it
when did you know about this place
what do you do there
The next question were about the water.
Why do people prefer to spend their holidays near to the water?
What kind of activities do you do near the water?
Do you think that there are some differences in water consumption between people in cities and countryside?

Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:39 am
by hammer
Just out of General Ietls exam. Timezone: GMT+4

The questions are not exact of course.

The writing Task 1 was

Write a letter to your friend. Invite him to your family party
In the letter include
- why you organize this party
- why it is important him to be present
- give directions to him/her on how to find the place where thte party will be

Task 2

Toursm can have bad effect on places, because of some tourists.

Explain what effects tourism may have

What can be done fix this.

Re: IELTS on 28th Feb - Any one ?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:02 am
by Faeik
I finish the IELTS exam 1 hour ago.
Writing Task 1 is : A Digram about the production of Electricity.

Writing Task 2 is :Some contries pay an extremely high salaries for people. Some people believe that the country must not do that and makes a limit for the salaries.

Do you agree with that or not ?

My Speaking part will be held after 2 hours from now?

Any one took it?