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Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:50 pm
by Aripriya
It is common that we observe each child has its own kind of behaviour patterns.This may be positive or negative way of behaving.To modify or alter the bad habits,some cultures impose tight rules.Whereas the other cultures treat the situation in a friendly manner.As far as my knowledge,the perfect method to make the children to practice healthy habit is by educating them from their childhood about the downsides and upsides of certain bad mannerisms.

Firstly,the merits of of extremely executing strict rules is that,the pupils knowing that they may be charged with severe punishments by doing some unwanted mistakes keeps them away from implementing it.The other good thing about the rules is that the children acquires a wide knowledge regarding the consequences of various behaviour problems.

Secondly,The advantages of letting them to do whatever they wants to do are,some behavioural problems are age related.For instance thumb sucking and bed wetting are childhood habits which will gradually subside as they grow.The second merit is,some children has the tendency of desperately doing things when said not to do so, hence over restriction may result in committing the mistake.

To conclude,I strongly recommend that teaching children about the various misbehaviours and their concerns right from their early stages of life through true love,affection and accountability will of course change the entire character of them without any strict rules and punishments.

Thanks for your time.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:12 am
by habeeb
In these modern generation every parents are wishing to have a bold child, who follows all the cultures rules, guidelines and responsibilities with over all good behavior. On the other hand it’s all about children who fulfills parents wish or not. However, it’s a matter of choice rather than obligation.

Firstly, expecting to follow very strict rules of behaviors it’s all about the sincerity of children. When it comes to cultures, every country follows different activities and methods. It’s not only parent’s responsibilities to make their children an enlightening stars but it’s also a country. For instance, country like India has been merge with many different religious peoples, who follows their own cultures. Every one doesn’t seems to follow all rules of cultures but yes the one who does a placid job they come up like a roaring lion like Abdul Kalam Azad who not only follow the culture but also became the honorable president of India.
Secondly, allowing children to be a free bird doesn’t seems they won’t follow cultures. However, being liberal to them its shows they gain well impact. It’s all the children, who have their own responsibilities under their own feet. For example, one of the most well known cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, he was also allowed to do almost anything what he want but he is the one who made the mystery in the whole world under his own feet.

In conclusion, I feel following strict rules of behavior in cultures shows an honest job but allowing free doesn’t mean that shows harmful effect. It’s all about children, who utilize all rules and opens the door for next generation.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:29 am
by olga
Different societies have a different approach to the way of bringing up children. While in some countries children are expected to behave in a certain way for a certain situation in others parents are more lenient and allow their offspring to cross some boundaries and feel freer. Both approaches will be discussed in this essay before a logical conclusion is reached.
Some educational experts believe that by giving more freedom and flexibility to children`s behaviour will encourage children to be developed in a more natural way. In other words, they are exploring the world without any rules, restrictions and boundaries, learning things by using their aptitudes they inherited from their parents. As a result, they are growing more independent and what is more important, without any limitation in the way they think. The Japanese educational system has this kind of approach to children up to the age of 5 when children are treated by parents as a king, allowing them to behave without any restrictions.
Having said this, however, it is not accepted by many other societies. Those societies demand from children aged as young as a toddler to behave in the certain way that is considered the norm. Children are obliged to follow generally-accepted rules and manners of behaviour in order to be accepted by a community and to be considered as a good member of society. In the Western world for example, it is said that children need to have boundaries and rules for their own benefit in order to feel safe and protected. Therefore, this system of bringing up can be viewed by many parents as beneficial and to work well
After analysing both ways of bringing up children, the benefits of both systems can be observed. However, I do believe that having rules and restrictions for children is not only beneficial for them during their childhood and adolescence years but can also lead them to better lives when they are adults.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:34 am
by EdoardoLipari
Parents’ most difficult duty is raising their children. Around the world they have very discordant opinions on how to do so. Some cultures believe children need to be terrified by very strict rules and violent punishments. Others, prefer having children consider their mothers and fathers as their best friends. In my opinion, there is no need to involve any extremely strict or even violent method when raising a child.

In some countries, very strict rules of behaviour are experienced by childern. They should always respect their own parents and, no matter what they think, do what they say. In some cases, if a child refuses to behave, parents might have the right to use violence against them or give severe punishments. As an example, the story of a 16-year-old muslim girl, shocked Italy. The teenager, who refused to wear clothes according to the Coran standards, was violently hit by her father as a punishment. Surely, such a reaction is not acceptable. Both parents should never be violent towards their children.

On the other hand, some parents believe the best way to have a child both happy and well raised is by letting him or her do what they want. As a consequence, they gain their children’s complete trust, become their best friends and have them obey to what they say. In my opinion, in this case, children might lose a big deal of respect towards their parents. Consequently, children will consider parents’ orders as simple suggestions from a friend.

In conclusion, I believe parents should find the right way to raise their children. Neither being too strict nor having no rules is a solution. They should be strict when required and more flexible in other occasions.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:41 am
by Ludovica
Childhood is the time in life in which people learn most of the rules they will follow for the rest of their lives. To what extent should adults force children into strict sets of rules of behavior? In China students in schools are educated in a very authoritarian way. In Italy, however, teachers and parents are becoming less demanding under the behavioral point of view. I believe a moderate approach is more beneficial to children.

Having personally experienced the Chinese fashion of educating children, I have a strong opinion on the subject matter. In China children are expected to follow very strict rules of behavior and are severely punished if they transgress these rules. I believe such an attitude prevents offsprings from developping their own personality. Moreover it’s difficult for them to face a world where people don’t always follow the same rules they’ve been taught and it’s therefore difficult for them understanding how to behave in different situations.

On the contrary in Italy parents and teachers are becoming less demanding and often allow children to behave however they feel like. In my opinion this lack of severity creates a society in which people are becoming more and more intolerant to rules and children are often very impolite. Moreover I believe growing up with no strict rules to follow renders people keen to making great mistakes later in life and therefore causes personal dissatisfaction.

In my opinion both of these trends people tend to follow are harmful to children. Parents and teacher should firstly remember that a child, for as young as he or she may be, is an individual with a personality which needs being developed. Imposing rules that are unimportant to children and society’s well-being is useless. At the same time any children needs to learn the basic rules of behavior in order to avoid mistakes and be accepted by society.

In conclusion I believe the way of teaching these rules of behavior should be different. For exemple instead of strictely impose them people could try to make kids understand why a rule is important and therefore why it should be followed. Doing so I think many adults will reconsider what kind of rules are useful and which ones are just there to prevent the development of one’s own personality.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:14 am
by Anton
Nowadays it is common to hear that every human is a unique person. Since there are more than 6 billion of such unique personalities live on our planet, it sounds very logical that we face many different cultures around the globe. Comparing the specific cultures, we may observe opposite attitudes towards the acceptable behaviour of children. It may be reflected both in official laws and moral rules for younger participants of a society, and legislation in some countries, for example in Russia, is very soft for those whose age is below 16.

Several experts claim that we have to be very open-minded about our children’s behaviour and provide them maximum freedom in their behaviour. Since they are the weakest part of society and cannot make much harm to other people, it’s not necessary to limit their possible actions. Moreover, the additional freedom might help them to get more experience during their childhood, and they will benefit from it in their adult life. In addition, that approach would probably help to form a personality with more creative attitude to common problems of humanity.

However, my personal opinion is that we should prepare our future adults to their live, which is full of limitations and restrictions. In that case, children during their childhood should face as many rules as they will face when they will become adults. In my opinion, that would teach the to be responsible about their actions and estimate the possible consequences of their actions. Moreover, I saw many examples how irresponsible free-of-limits approach to children’s behaviour had negatively affected the child himself in the near future.

Even though many people think we should give our children as much freedom as possible, I am personally think we shouldn't. I believe that the main purpose of childhood is to prepare a child to their adult lives. That is why I think a successful society should be very strict about acceptable child’s behaviour.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:04 pm
by oleaf0503
There is a school of thought that favors the idea that children’s behavior has to be strictly controlled. However, their opponents argue that it is wiser to allow children to do whatever they would like to do. To my way of thinking, both views have significant merits, but for different reasons.
There is no shortage of reasons why ruling children’s behavior brings benefits. The one that springs immediately to mind is that it takes less energy and time for parents to supervise their children, especially naughty ones. Moreover, people are less concerned that children may end up breaking laws in society when they become grown-ups, if they strongly realize that they have to follow rules since they were young.
On the other end of spectrum, it is apparent that giving children freedom to do things they like has a few good sides as well. On top of it, it allows children develop freely in both physical and mental ways. Also, we don’t have to look very far to say that children are having happier time when they don’t have any limitation of behavior. For example, they can enjoy their time as much as they wish with their peers.
In my country, China, children are taught that they must follow a number of rules of behavior. The good side about it is that children are more likely to listen to and appreciate adults’ advices and do things that the country thinks it correct.
When all is done and said, there are pros to both sides. Having said that, however, I believe too much rules or too much freedom are harmful to children’s growth. All we need is a combination of both.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:14 pm
by Alexander
Since the down of times the problem of choosing a method of upbringing a child is one of the challenges parents have faced. In general, there exist two approaches. Some people believe that system of rigid regulations and following defined schedule are beneficial for young person. Others are of the opinion that any restriction should be avoided and a child is free to do everything when he wants.

Obviously, there are some clear benefits if a set of rules for every situation is used in child upbringing. Firstly, this way is much easier for parents. They have a list of actions and every moment they know what to do and it is possible to predict the situation. For example, if they have a rule that child should not breakdown things, they have not to buy new toys every week. Secondly, a child who follows strict regulations feels more comfortable and safer when all rules are completed. For instance, children who go to sleep every day at fixed time have no problem with morning wake up.

However, many people argue that adults should not limit child’s activity and should not punish them. Moreover, parents have to help children to explore surroundings and make this activity as safe as possible. Young persons, being educated in such manner, usually have an inquiring mind and very fast conform to new situation. For example, according to the latest researches many people who are successful in business today were allowed everything to do during their childhood.

In my opinion, if we want to grow up an individual, a sophisticated approach should be used and a special methodology should be developed for every child. From one side, it is important to have some basic rules. From other side, in many aspects like education, for instance, parents have to help a child to discover beautiful word around him and do not to restrict this process by adult rules.

To conclude, there are good arguments for and against rigid rules in children upbringing. So, every parent has to find a balance between regulations and freedom needed for a creative development of a young person.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:27 pm
by rovamitarai
Throughout decades, the customs for each tradition often involve children to take part into many occasions. The culture gives them a freedom of choice on how would the children growing up from their experiences, while others strictly prohibit them from doing so. It is by far a vital issue we are currently facing with as we lived under pluralism from many cultures. Thus, positive and negative outcomes may follow suit that give influences on the child’s personal development.

A strict, isolated custom in some countries include many factors. The children are expected to follow the house rules for the heritage of their family’s honour, including strong manners and social skills. By far, this tradition is still preserved in royal families genetically related to the current monarch. In England, for example, Received Pronunciation spoken accent is very often used by royal family members along with their children in public schools or some events. The problem for this system is that many of them would feel unhappy to become isolated from outside society. These children are forbid to blend with the common public for security reasons and hindering the media exposure. For these reasons, isolation may be beneficial yet given drawbacks to certain children.

On the other hand, freedom-oriented countries guaranteed the children to develop themselves for some reasons. The education policy in some countries encourages the students to learn basic manners and independently doing their activity almost without the help of parents. It is aimed to develop soft skills and mindset for the children that would determine each unique psychological trait to be used in society. It is long applied in schools such as in the USA where children are taught to freely express their opinion accordingly. Even so, there is indeed a problem that cannot be avoided. The bullying trend in many schools is the result of lack of attention from the teachers which is happening particularly in high schools. It is still unclear of the definitive cause, though a research in educational program suggests that the family’s lifestyle and school’s policy would be the main factor. Therefore, one nation’s educational policy may give not only independence to children, but a negative application in some schools.

In conclusion, children in some countries are taught by either isolated from other cultures, or adapt themselves within various customs. It is believed children would learn more about the society of the world by blend into society itself and finally learn the people’s behaviour. Therefore, the children would gain social benefits throughout socializing with the people, with decision making skill is also developed inside their minds.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:39 pm
by drvishalmahajan
According to the prevalent culture,children are supposed to spend their childhood under different level of liberty to express in different parts of the world. In some areas of the globe,younger generation is expected to follow traditional norms of obeying elderly strictly.However, in other parts,there no such regulations & more conducive environment is provided to children . The positive feedback on both these views would be discussed in this essay to reach a final conclusion.
On one hand, a society with strict discipline for younger generation will lead to development of adults with high value for their parents & society.This will result in feeling of empathy for elderly & strong family bonds. For example, In India,strong family relations among all family members are a result of preachings in childhood regarding respect for parents & other family members. Thus, it result in a social atmosphere which is more supportive to an individual.In addition, it leads to development of law-abiding citizens for a nation.This shows the advantages of maintaining a regulation on younger ones in their childhood.

On the other hand,when children are allowed more freedom, overall development as a more social person takes place. A well known study in the USA has shown that when younger people are allowed to mingle among themselves without restrictions, they develop friendship easily as compared to children who are under all time surveillance of their parents. In addition, children in such surroundings are more expressive about their ideas & develop into good leaders of the society.
In conclusion, it is evident from the above discussion that both ways of upbringing of younger ones have positive ramifications. I personally feel that providing more freedom to younger generation is more advantageous for development of torchbearers of the society .It is hoped in the future such system would be adapted in all parts of the world.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:32 pm
by Buddy
It is unquestionable that the parents want raise their children as a good citizen to the world. This can be clearly seen in the way how people pay more attention to the behaviour of their children at childhood. In one hand, many people believe that the children should be followed certain rules of their behaviour. On the other hand, some people let their child to do whatever they want. Both sides will be critiqued before a reasoned conclusion is found.

Historically, many people have supported the idea that the kids behaviour should be controlled by means of punishments and rules. For an example, in South Asian countries, specially, in Sri Lanka, younger people are not allowed to argue with their parents and also they are not permitted to leave home at night. So, this behavior will be developed in their life even at later age even as an adult. This is the primary reason for the belief that the Sri Lankans are considered more generous and polite nation in the world. From that it can be concluded that the strict rules at childhood help the child to have a good character.

Today, many hold the idea that the younger generation should be given the freedom to do anything they want. This might help for their creativity and innovation. For instance, in western culture, child are rarely punished and they will not be beaten by their parents , when compared to the Asian parents. Since, the children are free to do whatever they wish, lots of modern ideas, theories and innovations are originated from the western world. Hence, this clearly proves the positive aspects when the children are not grown with rigid rules and customs.

After analyzing the two point of views of controlling child’s behavior, it is felt that when kids are given the freedom, there are more positives than negatives for their life. In the years to come, parents in Asian countries would dismiss the idea of severe punishment , setting rule for their kids at the childhood.

Re: Please rate my essay. Thank you....

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:39 pm
by Jinu
In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behavior. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.

Rules and regulations are always depends upon culture of different countries. Children behavior is related to the circumstances they live. In some cultures children are expected to follow very strict rules of behavior and some cultures they are allowed to do almost anything they want. Each of these opinions has certain merits and these will be discussed in this order.

It is believed that, children who are expected to follow very strict rules of behavior are always well disciplined. For example, In India up to marriage children should stay with family and they should obey parent’s decisions. This family structure actually builds up a disciplined person. From this it is clear that following strict rules of behavior is beneficial to children.

On the other hand, many argue that if children are allowed to do anything they want and they become independent. For example, in some cultures especially in European countries children are allowed to choose their career from childhood itself and they are allowed stay away from home. So they usually earn money to complete their studies it makes them independent. So it is very clear that there are advantages if children are allowed do any thing they want.

In summary, the merits of each culture are accountable. However after analyzing the these two points of view it is very clear that well disciplined children are very essential to build a very good nation. Thus the culture in which children are expected to follow very strict rules of behavior can be supported.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:25 pm
by znack
With the development of people rights and children social rights in particular,parents all over the world have faced with a controvercial issue about supervising them. While some follow the orthodox approach with an ultimate control of offsprings, others are sceptical about this way and suggest a less strict method. The benefits of both will be analize before conclusion is reached.

To begin with, there is an alarming rate of misbehaviour among young adults. This is particularly true for students, whose a lack of discipline leads to dire consequnces in their lives. Therefore, many people believe that only strict rules, as severe as low, can garanty to these children the bright future. Take the school rules about smoking, for example. The complete prohibition of smoking results in a substantial reduction of these devastating habits within academic environment. Thus, it is imperative to understand that children can not contol themselves, and it is primarely parents responsibility to supervise them properly.

On the other hand, children must learn how to conduct within society on they own. By following the external help, they can not be responsible for their actions and are not able to learn own mistakes. For example, it is not possible to understand the negative impact of alcohol on health without even try. This illustrates that if society allowed children to be responsible for their actions, they would better understand the society rules and became appropriate members of it.

All in all, there are many methods to regulate contemporary children. While ones prefer to allocate rules and supervise strictly, others argue in favour of freedom. Personally, I believe that the former better understand the nature of children. Therefore we must properly evaluate current rules to control children in the best way.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:54 pm
by ya123
Our planet, Earth, has become a global village due to advancements in communication, media and transport. Teens are influenced by this wave of new global culture. In some parts of the world, parents are allowing their children to adapt this while in other parts of the world, cultural adoption and socialization are governed by parents still today.

In some regions of the world like in Arab world and in Asian countries, parents are controlling the lives of their children and have full authority of their cultural adoption. For instance, parents decide which type of clothes their children should wear, which types of music to listen, whom to meet and whether to attend parties or not. These shows very strict rules being imposed on children lives. It is clear that still in this modern world, children are enforced to abide strict rules of behaviour.
The advantage of this approach is that children become more disciplined and follows their cultural practices.

On the other hand, in regions like Europe and US, Children are given full freedom in all aspects of their lives. For example, they can choose their life partner, dressing, hair styles and their profession. Even in some cultures, Children can choose religion of their own. This shows the extreme freedom enjoyed by children in modern world. The benefit of this freedom is that children become more confident and are more successful in their career.

In my opinion, it is a viable option to find a middle way to impose rules upon children. We should allow them to keep moving with modern world while still maintain their culture norms. This will not only boost their confidence but also helps to keep the cultural values intact.

[Note: I changed it due to the fact that I didn't understand question.]

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:52 pm
by leusik7
Many people are talking about what should be done about following very strict rules of behaviour. Some people think that it is best for children to follow strict rules. However, other people think that children are allowed to do anything they want. This is not an easy question to answer but in this essay we will look at this issue.

Some cultures are specific and they have their own rules of behaviour that people have to follow, children as well. Parents always want for their children the best. Parents cannot let children do anything they want. Rules help them with discipline for children. Discipline is a really important thing. It has a positive influence on children and helps them in their future career. For instance, in chine people are well behaved and hardworking.

On the other hand, there is freedom, life without strict rules. Giving freedom in behaviour brings many benefits. Children become more independent and have more confidence. They can develop yourself. They are more spontaneous. They are not scared to try new things, even they are dangerous and illegal. To illustrate, children in USA have more freedom and become independent, ready to live their own life.

My personal position is that there is no clear answer to this question as there are strong arguments on both sides. The rules of behaviour have a place in the world and culture. They help us to realize what is right or wrong and what we should or should not do. We just need to find a balance between rules and freedom.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:10 pm
by kshahzad
It is undoubtedly an open and hot point of discussion in almost every culture that how a child should behave & act in that particular society. Several theories & arguments are presented by various people to help support their viewpoint. Some argue to implement rigid behavioral rules on children during their early childhood while others are in the view to provide them full relax environment to grow up. Both views will be discussed in order to reach a final conclusion.

Firstly,in the cultures, where strict norms of behavior are set for the children, parents keep a watchful eye on daily routines of their children. Here I would like to give the example of Pakistani society where parents are very much concerned about the education & upbringing of their children. For instance, how the child is behaving in his school, what sort of friends does he have & how much time does he spent with them, where he goes after school time etc. Parents are in the view that all these strict measures are taken to ensure that child should not become a victim of bad society habits like smoking, drinking & gambling. In return of these strict regulations child is expected to be good mannered & more respectful not only for its family but also for the whole society.

On the other hand, there are societies where children enjoy full liberty not only in their daily routines but they are independent to take their decisions as well. Parents in those cultures are believed that children should become more confident in their coming life if they will be provided more relax environment in the early childhood. Therefore, in the western world like United Kingdom, children are early exposed to such situations where they will suppose to interact later. This will definitely increase their confidence level in this regard.

To sum up, I would say that their is a clear difference in both methodologies. Both have its own merits & demerits.I strongly believe that child is like a molten clay which can be sculptured the way one can desire. In my humble opinion, some sort of balance should be maintained while implementing strict behavior rules to set for the children during early childhood which would definitely result to develop good manners in them. Moreover, However, there is no harm to provide them some decent type of liberty which will further boost their self-confidence.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:07 am
by Denise
In today’s multicultural world, two main approaches are still being used by many people to bring up their children. One group of people expects their children to comply with series of strict rules of behavior which I regard as a “rule-based approach” while another group of people gives various flexibilities to their children by teaching them the value of principle which I regard as a “principle-based approach”. In my opinion, both approaches have its pros and cons in terms of children education and I will explain them in the following paragraphs.

In rule-based approach, parents have set a series of rules and expecting their children to adhere strictly. Children will be warned or received punishment if they are departed from the rules. For example in the old Chinese education, children are expected to listen and follow instruction from elderly and not allowed to object even though they disagree. This creates an obedient and filial child but also blocks their mind from creativity thinking because they are too used to follow instruction instead of being flexible. In the worst case, some children may become rebel due to frustrating of following rules and as a result, affecting their future life to an independent and responsible person.

In principle-based approach, parents will teach their children about values of principle and allow them to apply these principles in any situation since their childhood. This does not mean that parents do not care what their children are doing but giving them flexibility to exercise their own judgement and handle situations on their own way. When they make mistake, their parents will correct them by explaining the reason behind. This approach is more widely adopt in the western society such as American because they respect freedom of everyone, including a child. Children taught by this approach are usually independent and mature when they grow up. However, this approach also has it demerits, such as some children will exploit the flexibility or values principle wasn’t well taught. As such, children may become out of control and act recklessly which create social problems.

After analyzing both approaches, I believe giving freedom to children is important to train them to be a creative, independent and responsible person in their future life. They should be taught the value of their culture, ritual and principle of morals in order to help them to make reasonable decisions during their growing.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:49 am
by ieltsp
In the modern world, the prosperity of a nation depends on its citizens. While children are considered as the future of a country, so a child behavior is very important. Some cultures believe that imposing strict rules on children helps them to become better individuals while few other cultures believe in free up bringing of children. The merits of each of these points are analyzed before arriving at a reasoned conclusion

On the one hand, it is felt by many that obedience and good behavior are a result of strict rules that children made to follow. For instance, the number of drug addicted teenagers is less in countries where behavioral rules are imposed on children when compared to free culture societies like the US. This shows that the stringent rules by parents induce the sense of fear in a child against bad traits. Thus it is evident that inculcating good habits with the aid of rules helps children to become a law abiding individual.

Conversely, bringing up a child in a free way helps them to be more independent and creative. Take Steve Jobs, for example. The co-founder of the worlds greatest computer company was a college drop-out. If Steve Jobs, had been brought up in a strict culture, then he would never have had been allowed to leave college to start a company. This clearly shows that rearing a child without rules results in individuals willing to try out different and creative career paths than a child brought up with rules. Hence providing unrestricted freedom to children has its own advantages.

To sum up, both cultures of bringing up children under supervision and rearing them without rules has their own merits that cannot be debunked. Hence it is agreed that for better all-round development of kids, a mixture of both of these cultures is essential

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:17 am
by suryapradeep
For any given situation, children from different cultures are expected to behave differently. In some cultures, children are free to pick up activities according to their will and wish. In some others, children are guided to behave in a certain manner with well-defined rules and regulations. Both the approaches have their own merits and de-merits. In my opinion, children should be guided to follow rules and behave properly.

In cultures where children are expected to exhibit discipline in behavior has the advantage of grooming them from their very young age. The value system for children, which revolves around discipline, has boundaries well defined for most of their day to day situations. Children imbibe these rules of behavior and respond to the situations accordingly. Not only responding to situations, over a period of time, children inculcate them and start leading a disciplined life. This helps them grow up in a manner where they tend to well-behave most of the times. There is not much of scope for misbehaving under any circumstances. As they grow up, these habits reflect in their lifestyles and have got a high possibility for leading a successful life. For instance, in a specific society in India where I grew up and spent most of schooling years, we children were taught to greet elders when ever saw them, share our toys, books, gifts and chocolates with our fellow kids, follow a strict daily routine with dedicated times for studying, playing, praying and sleeping. This approach has helped me, my cousins and other kids, who grew up under the same value system, to plan, schedule and follow any kind of activity in a systematic manner. Our thoughts and actions have synchronized.

In certain other cultures where kids are let free to respond to a situation are often self-learners. These kids start analyzing a situation and respond to it accordingly. They are allowed to do anything they want. This approach helps a kid to develop independence in thoughts. As they grow up in such an environment, they master the skills of thinking on their own, doing activities on their own, choosing between good and bad on their own. Learning becomes very inquisitive for these young lads who grow up in such a environment. I have clearly seen this happening with my colleagues’ kids who live in a society with not many rules for the kids. I have seen these kids taking up tasks which interests them a lot and even exceling in them. They have successfully developed the thinking abilities which lead them to successful lives.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:05 am
by abi
There are many cultures in today’s world with different rules, restrictions and beliefs. Because of these cultural diversities, there is always one thing in mind how to manage child behavior. However, some cultures impose very hard rules for the development of children manners. While, others believe to give full freedom to young child. Both these ways have got some merits and demerits. In this essay I will focus on the positive aspects only before reasoned conclusion can be drawn.

To begin with, many believe that restriction on child behavior is a positive strategy. For example, in Pakistan many parents do not allow children access things such as Internet, movies, stay out late. As a result, these children are more polite, respectful, show great deal of responsibilities and less hyper in nature. Thus, it is clear that strict parenting is good for child behavior and that is the reason people support this method.

On the other hand, many cultures felt that children should have full freedom. For instance, children in the western world have complete access to any digital device that enables Internet and social platforms access. As a result, they are more collaborative and confident in communication and have a great deal of knowledge about what is happening around the globe, therefore this impact positively on their personality and gets benefit in the future as well. So, it is clear that giving freedom to child is considered a good step in many cultures and they are quite satisfied with the result.

To conclude, it is true that both cultures having strict rules or giving freedom to children are getting benefited in terms of child conduct. However, in my opinion balanced approach is the right way in terms of controlling young children behavior. Where, monitoring with some level of controlling is a key. It can be predicted in future people will most likely follow strategy having a freedom with control characteristics to handle child manners.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:12 am
by s_q_2000
The Human world is made up of a multitude of ethnicities and cultures. The customs, traditions, the attitudes and rules that govern the everyday life are as diverse as the cultures themselves. This diversity can be observed in many different walks of life, including the manner in which children are brought up. While in some cultures children are allowed the freedom to think for themselves and act as they desire, in other cultures children are expected to follow strict rules that are laid down by the elders. We shall analyse the merits of these attitudes towards bringing up children.

There are certain cultures where attitude towards most aspects of human life, including bringing up children is very liberal and is founded on the principle that freedom is the most cherished aspect of human existence. Western European and North American cultures are prime examples of this attitude. Here children are allowed the freedom to explore the world and pursue their dreams. This is true both at home and in school, where education and curriculum are structured in a way that children are encouraged to use their imagination to come up with answers to various problems. The merits of this attitude is clear as can be seen by the fact that these nations are at the forefront of human development – including scientific, technological and artistic achievements.

At the other end of the spectrum are the cultures where rules are very strict and children are expected to follow them to the letter. Certain Middle Eastern and Asian cultures are examples of this. This type of conditioning has resulted in children growing up to be adults who are very disciplined and conscious of the importance of social barometers in their culture – such as a good education. This has no doubt had the effect of helping them overcome the humble beginnings they come from and to afford better living standards.

As can be seen from the above discussion, each attitude towards upbringing of children has its merits and these are intricately tied to the ground realities of the societies they prevail in. It is opined that a well proportioned combination of these diverse attitudes for bringing up children would be a good answer. A higher proportion of the liberal-mindedness that allows children to explore their imagination, combined with the right amount of discipline that would help them understand and meet their social responsibilities, would be a good way forward.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:21 am
by samy25
Every culture plays an important role in children's brought up. Some give freedom to their youngs to think and act as they want while some define certain set of rules to shape their conduct.Both have their own advantages but blend of both can do wonders in children's mental and physical growth.

In some cultures, it is considered that rules make offsprings organised and diciplined.Children are more like a blank slate and restrictions can help them to be a become a better human being.In Asia, for example, youngsters have to follow family rituals and customs strictly.It strenghtens their bond with siblings and parents.

On the other hand,in cultures where restrictions are not imposed, children are more creative and innovative. Libral environment nourishs their mental ablities and they explore their innate talent to achieve goals in whatever manner they want. They can persue for the career of their own choice and they do excel and enjoy their sucess as well.For instance, in USA young generation is not pushed or bound for anything. They set their own targets and methods to reach their objectives in any fashion they want.As result, they are far more progressive and creative than anyother.
To conclude, both cultural aspects have their own advantages but extreme implication of both can outweigh benefits. In my opinion,restrictions and freesom both are important. Provided they are used in balanced proportion.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:34 am
by antony
Various approaches of children upbringing can be seen in different societies. Today, many parents are imposing strict rules, as young generation have became less and less unconsient about their lives. However, opponents believe that a certain level of freedom might help these children. The benefits of both methods will be shown, depicting how they impact on children behaviour.

First, many today's people suggest that through the establishment of discipline among children,it is only possible to emphasis the correct way of behaviour in modern society. If there was better control, youth would less likely to experience a negative impact of their conterparts. In particular, people are worring, considering that their descendants can eventually broke the low, so these parents have to incorporate severe rules to control their children. Thus, it can be concluded that discipline plays a very important role in the upbringing children.

Neverhteless, there may be better way to teach new generation manners and respect. For instance, in some nations, olders give reasonable level of freedom to encourage their independance and most importantly -the sense of responsibility.
In essence, these children learn primarely from their mistakes. Thus, it seems that if children able to control their lives, this freedom are more likely to lead to the betterment of their behaviour.

As a way of conclusion, modern parents are being put in a controversial conditions of upbringing their children. Altought the most of them follow the conventional fashion of children training with emphasis on strict rules,it is agreed that a certain level of freedom in regard to the independant learning leads to the best case scenario. Therefore, society must continually ask whether the use of rules benefits or suppress children development.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:46 am
by windfa
Almost all children are nurtured but what way to nurture should be followed. In some countries, they are trained with some strict rules while in other countries, they could be relatively free to do anything. This essay will make an effort to explain the advantages and disadvantages of those teaching methods and then take personally a position.
Those in favour of a rigorous education present their respective points. They strongly believe that children need to learn discipline in a tough environment, particularly unruly ones resulting in non-strict parents, because individuals tending to break laws probably threaten security of society. A typical example is self discipline saw in 2011's tsunami disaster in Japan where Japanese patiently formed such a long line to get emergency foods, in contrast to a lot of riots and thieves in Thailand since the latest storm. Japanese people are trained scrupulously during their adolescent and that bring them to success.
On the other hand, the opponents of the abovementioned opinion provide a variety of reasons to support their view as well. If a child can choose subjects that he or she interested in to learn, it is certainly easier to absorb knowledge than studying compulsory subjects. In addition, increasing influence by adults over teenagers probably limits their creative ability. Therefore, it is evident that granting freedom to children will generally develop their latent talent.
Overall then, in spite of its possibly negative consequences, the merits of lenient method far outweigh the strict one. I personally hold the opinion that the children encouraged to do what they are interested in often have a strong personality and achieve their desire.

Re: You have 72 hours to enter this essay writing contest!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:35 am
by Huda
In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.
Today, offspring are anticipated to obey the hard guidelines of their parents, while in other societies they are free to do whatever suits them to explore the world. There are enormous advantages of both views. In my view, hard core rules of behavior should not be imposed on the children.
On the one hand, there are remarkable benefits of strict parental guidance to their young children. It has been said that the strict rules of behavior makes the children more responsible and more caring towards the culture in which they grow up. These hard means of treating their elders teaches the children to respect them as a social ethic. There are many countries engaged in putting the emphasis on the child behavior in their early age of development. For instance, in Japan, the children are projected to this tuff regulation of behavior in their secondary school as a part of the curriculum. As this shows that this system has greatly benefitted the numerous cultures. Thus, it can be concluded from this example that these hard core policies have enormous advantages.
On the other hand, it is argued that children should not be forced to follow this restricted system of behavior. Nevertheless they should be allowed to do that help them to shape their career. Nowadays, it is generally said that putting much responsibility and strict policy on the young adolescent make them less confident and less competent in problem solving areas. It is extremely important that parents should not put forth tougher set of laws on their children, because in turn it could delay the development of learning new skills. For example, In the U.S.A educational system, children are free to follow what suits them best to achieve their goals. Thus, it is clear that children should be permitted to do what they desire.
In conclusion, it has been shown that both the opinions have its different pros and cones. It is predicted that a balanced course of action should be followed in the foreseeable future.