Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

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Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by Ryan »

A test taker in Uzbekistan has shared this question:

Doctors in many countries say that people are not getting enough exercise. What are the causes of this situation? What can be done about it?
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Re: Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by karimessam »

Ryan please, this question contains 2 parts, one asking about the causes and the other is asking about what should be done, i am a little bit confused about these kind of questions, i need your advice whether the discussion would be on the cause or what should be done, thanks alot
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Re: Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by Ryan »

Hi Karimessam,

Yes, cause and effect essay questions can be tricky. Perhaps this video will help:
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Re: Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by karimessam »

thanks alot, very useful video :)
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Re: Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by delvydavis »

Very helpful video.
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Re: Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by cognos »

Very much useful video.

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Latest Task 2 questions seen in Tashkent on July 6

Post by simona »

Doctors in many countries say that people are not getting enough exercise. What are the causes of this situation? What can be done about it?
Health problems are becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today. Majority of these health issues are often linked with sedentary life, as generally claimed by doctors on various platforms. It is argued , however , that the most important reasons for this prevailing trend are lack of time for exercise and dearth of knowledge regarding positive consequences of maintaining an active physical routine. To tackle these issues, introduction of regular fitness classes at work place and educating masses about benefits of active life style related solutions will be analyzed for viability .
Firstly, it is felt that maintenance of gym at work place could help. For instance , while doctors are mostly considered to have toughest daily routine , many hospitals in Lahore are trending to incorporate a workout place . As can be expected a large numbers of healthcare workers not only utilize this opportunity , but also are contributing its encroachment to other walks of life by encouraging multinational companies to introduce this practice to facilitate their employers to adopt healthy life style. Thus , this solution is plausible .
However , to address the issue of deficient knowledge about advantages of exercising , it is suggested that media and social networks are expected to advertise regularly health warnings and diseases consequent of deficient activity . Take facebook , for instance . As the face book following is climbing day by day , fitness campaign by this social network may help to induce a tendency of adopting daily exercising routine among its followers . When looking at this example there is no doubt that, more informed the public will be ,more will be the chances to disseminate practice of adopting active life style . Thus , the effectiveness of solution can be seen .
As can be seen ,the proposed solutions of employing fitness routine at workplace and teaching people about disadvantages of obesity will be very effective . It is thus hoped that these strategies are put into place everywhere to stimulate activity .
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