please comment my essay MALES vs. FEMALES

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please comment my essay MALES vs. FEMALES

Post by Piazzi »

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The controversy around the genre rights is one the most debated society affairs. Some advocate, for instance, that college institutions should have a balanced distribution of males and females among its courses. It is agreed that all the subjects should have the same number of students of each genre. The following is a discussion about how the contemporary role of the women and the equality between sex could prove the previous statement.

Many reasons have been advanced to explain why the role of women should be different nowadays. One popular notion is that, as the society turned highly competitive, females should learn how to do all the tasks that the opposite sex does. This is the only manner to be able to compete with men. For this reason, the same is applicable on the education context – women should be accepted on all courses, with the same opportunities that men have.

Equal opportunities, as the latter paragraph mentioned, is also a strong concept among people. It is a common sense that individuals should have the same conditions to compete which other in all the society fields, since a job interview up to a sport mach. Nowadays, no kind of discrimination should be tolerated. It means that women should not have less chance to study a subject than a man has.

On balance, it is argued that in order to be able to compete whit males, females had to change their roles and learn men jobs, in addition, the contemporary context leave less space to discrimination, consequently, women, now have the same opportunities that men have. In light of this, I am inclined to affirm that universities should accept the same quantities of individuals of each sex. The women have the same abilities of men now, and the world for them seem much fairer.
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