Sabih scores band 7

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Sabih scores band 7

Post by Ryan »

In this conversation, I talk with Sabih. Sabih details how he managed to score band 7 with very little preparation.

Here is the entire interview: ... nd%207.mp3
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Re: Sabih scores band 7

Post by delvydavis »

Thanks Ryan for this sharing!

Obviously for a person who speaks and writes a lot in English English movies are very helpful. But I am not sure how much it is possible for a relatively new student to absorb from English movies in little time, for eg. in a month or two.
(09-06-2012) L-7,R-6.6,W-5.5,S-8.5 ; Overall-7.0
(06-07-2013) L-6.5,R-7,W-5.5,S-6.5 ; Overall-6.5
(21-09-2013) L-6.5,R-6.5,W-7.5,S-7; Overall-7.0
(07-12-2013) L-8.0,R-7.0,W-7.5,S-8.5 Overall-8.0
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Re: Sabih scores band 7

Post by bunni015 »

Hi Ryan,

I am totally disappointed, after listening to pod-cast. There are many reasons behind this; predominantly, there are two points which I want to highlight:

1. When a candidate is not giving 100% towards his preparation, what pushed you to consider his opinions.

2. I doubt, is he seriously giving any suggestions for other IELTS aspirants? Did you get a chance to observe his commitment in his speaking modulation? I clearly felt it. He is not at all motivated.

Sorry, no hard feelings, It is just a suggestion. Record some one who can motivate. Not the one who just crosses the river on the name of luck.

I wanted to post my voice recording as a feedback on this pod-cast which I have already recorded. Its about 15 minutes recording, although I decided not to upload it.

I assume this would be my last post in IELTSNETWORK.

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Re: Sabih scores band 7

Post by Ryan »

Hi Bunni,

I am sorry I missed this post earlier.

I very much value your opinion and feedback, and I am thankful to know there are individuals thinking critically about the IELTS resources currently floating around on the Internet (there's a lot of snake oil out there). Here's my take on IELTSCast:

Regarding the interviews, I do not feel it is my position to judge what success is real versus what success is luck. I firmly believe in the integrity of the exam, and thus if Sabih is awarded band 7 then his advice regarding how to prepare for the IELTS is just as valid as any other band 7 test taker.

I have never recommended IELTSCast listeners follow the advice of one single interviewee. In my opinion, listening to several people recant their separate paths to success allows an IELTS hopeful to tailor a personalized testing strategy.

In addition to the above, I think it is beneficial to listen to the voices, accents, intonations, vocabulary (etc...) that the IELTS has deemed a certain level. In other words, students that listen to Sabih's speaking can say to themselves, "This is what band 7 sounds like". Having a firm understanding of what is required for band X increases a student's understanding of the exam. Deeper understanding leads to confidence. Confidence leads to increased performance.

Bunni, I would be more than happy to listen to your voiced response to the interview, if you would like to post it here. (If you are not comfortable with that, no problem.)

Thank you again for the feedback.
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