Finally got a band 8.5!

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Damien P.
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Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by Damien P. »

After three weeks of preparation and my exam on July the 12th, I got an overall band score of 8.5, with 8.5 in Listening, 9 in Reading, 7 in Writing and 8.5 in Speaking.
I am a bit disappointed with my writing score since I was quite confident, but I obtained the score required by my university (7 overall with 6.5 in every component) and then I prefer not to appeal.

Thanks to all of you for your help and advices :)
Last edited by Damien P. on Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by kannu »

congrats.......your score is excellect....... :)
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by Rev »

Congratzz :) excellent band ... tips for reading section?
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Damien P.
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by Damien P. »

Thanks :)
For the reading section, I always tried to finish my section within 50-55 minutes in order to copy my answers on the answer sheet.

Then, I managed to see this test as a training for life, studies, cerebral flexibility. And I still think it is. Training for IELTS has helped me to read quicker in English, but also French for example.

For the specific techniques, I think my best one was always to read the three first questions, then to skim through the text. If you read and understand questions 1-3, you will know where each of them is situated, and will have a fallback plan if you don't find an answer (without constantly turning your page and reading the questions once more).

I suscribed to The Economist and tried to read quickly but efficiently (to understand the main points, to analyse the gist of the article/paragraph only), even though my character often tells me to pay attention to useless details in texts and to be distracted.

Also, a good solution has been to underline important elements that are in relation to the three questions you are analysing. Although this is seen as time consuming, it is not (I actually finished reading and copying after about 50 minutes). When you see the answer to question 12, don't copy it directly but write "13" near it on the sheet. If you need to link scientists to discoveries, first skim through the entire text to surround their names and use them as points of reference. I always used graphic signs as mental "pivots" that I used to reach a specific information in no time.

Finally, I really love the kind of articles that is given to us in the Academic module. I think this helped a lot. I am not studying natural nor engineering sciences, but it has always been one of my greatest passions. If a text interests you or if you force yourself to like something (better say "to see the good elements in everything"), it really becomes easier and more natural.

I hope this helped :)
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by ciscoguy »

Great Man :) You nailed it :)
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by atmahesh »

well done Damien!
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by Ryan »

Damien P. wrote:Hey!
After three weeks of preparation and my exam on July the 12th, I got an overall band score of 8.5, with 8.5 in Listening, 9 in Reading, 7 in Writing and 8.5 in Speaking.
I am a bit disappointed with my writing score since I was quite confident, but I obtained the score required by my university (7 overall with 6.5 in every component) and then I prefer not to appeal.

Thanks to all of you for your help and advices :)
Awesome work, Damien! Congratulations!
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Re: Finally got a band 8.5!

Post by Ryan »

Damien P. wrote:
Finally, I really love the kind of articles that is given to us in the Academic module. I think this helped a lot. I am not studying natural nor engineering sciences, but it has always been one of my greatest passions. If a text interests you or if you force yourself to like something (better say "to see the good elements in everything"), it really becomes easier and more natural.

I hope this helped :)
All of your tips are very helpful, Damien. I just wanted to highlight this last one and point out how central it appears to be to candidates attaining extremely high bands (of the 8.5/9 variety). You're absolutely right: doing what you can to make your countless hours of IELTS prep enjoyable can go a long way in ensuring you get the most out of your study time.

Thank you very much for sharing these bits of advice.
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