Please review my writing task 2 GT

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Please review my writing task 2 GT

Post by asmi »

Some people prefer shopping in shopping centres, while others prefer local markets.
What are the advantages of each?

In last couple of decades, since the introduction of shopping centres, definition and ways of shopping have changed drastically. Many people, nowadays, prefer shopping malls for their needs, whilst still there are many who prefer local markets. This essay will discuss benefits of both the practices.

First and foremost advantage of shopping centre is one can find each and everything under one proof, starting from household items, cloths to electronics and furniture. All these things are well segregated and well presented in different sections. Hence, people can roam around all these sections according to their needs and at their own pace for whatever amount of time they want to. Moreover, such shopping malls offers many fascinating discount schemes, which indeed saves considerable amount of money of those purchasing in bulk. Additionally, they provide immense variety of international brands, especially in cloths & electronics section, which enthralls youngsters. Thus, it is clear that with changing times, shopping centres are being more and more advantageous.

On the other side, number of people visiting local markets for their shopping needs has not reduced because of its tremendous & traditional benefits. As business in local markets specifically trade local & conventional items, it is popular among most of the middle age people as well as senior citizens. Moreover, emotional connect can be seen between such shop owners & patrons. In India, for instance, many such healthy relations exist for many years. In addition to this, such markets are very convenient and easily accessible in small and urgent needs. Benefits of local markets therefore are prominent.

In conclusion, whether to visit shopping centre or local market is the individual's choice, as both of them are beneficial in many perspectives.
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Re: Please review my writing task 2 GT

Post by Flick »

asmi wrote:Some people prefer shopping in shopping centres, while others prefer local markets.
What are the advantages of each?

In last couple of decades, since the introduction of shopping centres, the way people shop has changed drastically. Many people, nowadays, prefer shopping malls for their needs. However, there are still some people who prefer local markets. This essay will discuss the benefits of both practices.

First and foremost, the biggest advantage of a shopping centre is one can find everything under one roof, from household items and clothes to electronics and furniture. All these things are well segregated and well presented in different sections. Hence, people can explore these sections according to their needs and at their own pace for however long they want to. Moreover, such shopping malls offer many discount schemes, which indeed saves a considerable amount of money for those purchasing in bulk or purchasing larger items. Additionally, they provide immense variety of international brands, especially in clothes and electronics, which appeals to younger shoppers. Thus, it is clear that, with changing times, shopping centres are becoming more and more popular.

On the other side, the number of people visiting local markets for their shopping needs has not declined because of the tremendous and traditional benefits. As businesses in local markets specifically trade local & conventional items, it is popular among many middle age people as well as senior citizens. Moreover, emotional connections are easy to make between shop owners & patrons. In India, for instance, many such relationships exist and can last for many years. In addition to this, such markets are very convenient and easily accessible for small and urgent needs. The benefits of local markets, therefore, are prominent.

In conclusion, whether to visit a large shopping centre or local market is the individual's choice, as both of them are beneficial in different ways.
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