Please assess.

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Please assess.

Post by Mohammed »

Please listen and say my weak points as well as grade.

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Re: Please assess.

Post by lmoore »

Hello, Mohammed,
This building sounds really neat-looking! Thank you for sharing what you know about it.
Your pronunciation overall was very good. There was one point when I couldn’t quite make out what you were saying, though. That was when you said, “When it was constructed, a lot of __?__ was used to make it more solid.” Your speaking speed was fine, and you did not have too many fillers, like “uh.” So, your overall fluency does not need too much work.
The organization of the speech included a nice introduction, “I’m going to talk about. . .” and a nice conclusion for the construction part. I think you could have used some other transitions, however, such as “in addition,” “finally,” etc. to link your ideas together.
Your vocabulary included some very specific words, such as “integrated,” “constructed,” and “medieval.” You created a nice mental image with your description of what the building would have looked like long ago. However, you said “prehistoric” three times within a few sentences. You could have said, “ancient,” “old,” or other synonyms for this word. Also, you did not use “prehistoric” correctly. It means “before history,” so that would be when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, not in medieval times.
Grammar and sentence structure are the areas with which you struggle the most. Here are a few examples:
- One of the famous building – One of the famous BUILDINGS
-Purpose built – purposefully built / built on purpose
-Such like a building – like such a building
-Defend the town from the enemies – You don’t need “the” in front of enemies because that would indicate that your town only had one set of enemies. That is too specific.
-Now it is used for a historical building – We don’t use buildings for historical purposes. That doesn’t make sense. You might have said, “It is now a historical building.” You could have said visitors come to it to learn about local history as well.
-I would describe the building like that. It is very tall. – I will describe the building. It is very tall. You could have also said, “If I were to describe the building, I would say it is very tall.”
- One of them are circular, and one of them are taller building. – subject/verb agreement – One of them IS circular, and one of them IS taller than the other.
Its architecture was reminded me of – Its architecture reminded me of – no WAS
When you look it from the outside,. . . – When you look AT it from the outside. . .
It can reminded you of prehistoric times – It reminds you of ancient times.
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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