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Post by esmersev »

Nuclear energy is a better source of power for today’s global energy needs.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Energy sources have been very popular since the invention of electricity which is mandatory for human being. Today, coal, petrol and nuclear energy are used to maintain maximum power. It is believed that nuclear energy is the most beneficial source among the others. This will be proven by analyzing cost and safety issues.

First of all, building a structure which generates nuclear power is more expensive than others however, it is used more than fifty years. For example, the nuclear power sourced structures which are in Japan built forty years ago and they are still active. This example clearly shows that for a long term, nuclear power is cheaper than others. This is one of two important reasons why i believe that nuclear energy is better than other energy sources.

Furthermore, petrol and coal industry workers claim that they have been working in very difficult conditions and their employers are forcing them to produce product without stopping. Thus, workers can make mistakes under this pressure. For instance, last month three hundred mine workers died in Soma,Turkey. When looking at this example, there is no doubt that nuclear energy is safer than others.

In summary, people use different sources to maintain energy. Thus, nuclear energy has been popular for fifty years because it is safer and cheaper. It is expected that people should keep the environment clean to generate energy from various energy sources.
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