I have enclosed my audio

Daily (Mon-Fri) speech exercises with Ryan through Whatsapp
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I have enclosed my audio

Post by Bhanushakya »

I have enclosed my audio. I would like to get it marked and given feedback. Thanking in advance.

http://s0.vocaroo.com/media/download_te ... s0iEvCAZJ7
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Re: I have enclosed my audio

Post by lmoore »


The link to your audio did not work. Could you try again?
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Re: I have enclosed my audio

Post by Bhanushakya »

i m really sorry that i didn't get a notification of this message. I am sending it again, please mark my speaking part 1

ielts part 1 bhanu.mp3
please mark my speaking
(1.59 MiB) Downloaded 312 times
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Re: I have enclosed my audio

Post by lmoore »

Hi, Bhanu,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and introducing yourself. Here are some thoughts about your speech:
Your pronunciation was good overall. It is pretty easy to understand you for the most part. There were a couple of times when I could not quite make out what you were saying, but that may have been because of the echo in the recording or you moving away from the microphone some. Just be sure to enunciate all the words you speak clearly.
Your speaking speed is a bit slow. There are many points at which you seem to struggle to find the right word, and I heard many “uhs.” These pauses really cause you to have trouble linking words and phrases together in a fluid, fluent way. You might consider thinking of speaking in three or four word blocks to increase your fluency. By that, I mean, put your thoughts together in three or four word blocks before you say them. Then, you will be able to link those blocks together a bit more to increase your speed and overall understandability.
Your grammar was good, for the most part, although it is difficult to get a handle on how you use verb tenses since this one was mostly just present and perhaps future tense in this recording. There were some sentence structure problems, which I will address.
Your vocabulary was okay, in general. I heard some higher-level vocabulary words like “objective,” which can help you to earn a higher band score. I did not hear much repetition of words, which is also good. To improve your vocabulary, I would suggest choosing one or two words that are synonyms for words you think you will use often in your IELTS interview and then practice using them regularly for a week or two in your speech and writing to work them into your vocabulary.
The organization of your speech was such that you read the questions to the listener in your recording. In the future, you might consider reading them all at first and then addressing them one by one. You can move between them by using transitions such as “first,” “in addition,” “moreover,” “furthermore,” “for instance/example,” “finally,” etc. Another option is to keep reading the questions, which is how Part I of the interview will go and then to use transitions as you answer them. The purpose of transitions is to help the listener follow your train of thought and to link and sequence your ideas in a logical way. Remember that in Part II, you will have to address several questions on a task card, and transitions will be key here.
Here are some sentence corrections:
1.) In initial term – In the short term,
2.) In longer term – My long-term goals are. . .
3.) I’m living at – I’m living IN (city, neighborhood, country – AT is for your street address). . .
4.) You could call me as Bhanu – You can call me Bhanu
5.) I recently finished my study. – I recently finished my studies.
6.) High sum of money – a high SALARY.
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:42 pm

Re: I have enclosed my audio

Post by Bhanushakya »

Thank you very much for your valuable comments and advices. I will practice and focus particularly on transitions words, vocabulary , filling words other than umm. Thank you again
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