Living alone

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Living alone

Post by Muxtar »

hello everyone,
please grade it
living alone 29.mp3
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Re: Living alone

Post by lmoore »

Hi, Muxtar,
In this example, I heard a quick pace of speaking that perhaps helps your fluency overall. I still heard a lot of “uhs” and repetition of words (like “behave”) as you try to gather your thoughts. You speak in short bursts of a few words. There is not much in the way of smooth linkage between phrases and complete thoughts.
You used some good transitions in this piece, like “I’m going to talk about,” “In any case,” and “For example.” (Be careful with “I’m going to talk about.” You ended up saying, “I gonna talk about, forgetting the verb “am” and sounding informal.) These transitions help make easy for your listener to understand the organization of your speech.
Sometimes your pronunciation made it difficult to understand you. The pronunciation of the word “outweigh,” for example, was somewhat hard to understand. This is pronounced like “owtWAY.” Make sure you say the two syllables together.
Your vocabulary was rather basic and general, overall. However, I did hear words like “disadvantages” and “witness.” At times, I heard you try to use more formal language, but it sounded awkward and too formal. Identify a synonym or two that will help you avoid repeating certain words instead of using too many big words in one phrase, as your overall meaning can get somewhat confused if you don’t.
Here are some sentence structure/vocabulary notes:
-Feel the burden of actions when you’re the ? – I don’t really understand what you meant by this phrase. Do you mean feel the burden of being alone? I also did not understand the pronunciation of the last word, hence the question mark at the end.
- You can feel single-handed – I think you mean LONELY instead of single-handed, which means you do something by yourself, without anyone else’s help.
- The gifting of knowledge and skills which is the more important for your future life. – You can learn new skills and knowledge when you live alone, which can help you in your future life.
- Other things can affect people their to choice their living alone. – Other considerations can affect people’s choices to live alone.
- Socializing from different cultures –Socializing WITH different cultures
- I can say that I have always witnessed this action in my life when I enter university four years ago. – I can say that I witnessed people living alone when I entered university four years ago. Be careful with verb tenses here. This action took place in the past.
- I was enforced to live with my brothers for the one years. After that, they left there, and I have to live with my classmates. – I was FORCED to live with my brothers for one year. After that, they left, and I had to live with my classmates. Again, watch using the present tense when you need the past tense. Also, it is one YEAR, not one YEARS. ENFORCE means to make someone obey a rule or law. FORCE means to make someone do something he or she does not want to do.

Thanks for sharing, and best wishes as you continue to practice!
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