10 May 2014 Istanbul IDP IELTS questions

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10 May 2014 Istanbul IDP IELTS questions

Post by arazis »

YEsterday i took ielts in Istanbul/ Turkey.

Writing task 1 was: was illustration about how salty water is purified (DESALINATION PROCESS). here, i tried to draw it with m.s paint. i hope it will help (if someone can remember difference please write)


Writing task2: same question about young people and crime. it also asked about solution offer. my first theory was related to eonomic state, other was psychoanalism. i wrote some quote from this book and gave some supportive sentences.


Reading: one topic was about Hurrango trees in south america. last one was about work stress an theories. dont remember the other one

Speaking: 1.how people celebrate birthdays in your country
2.what i have you done in your last birthday
3.1 min quest--> talk about your school when you were a child. what do you rember about classroom, your first teacher or something like that.
do you think when its best for children to start goin school
what is the benefits of other school activities
4.do you like to take photos by phone or camera
5.do you share it on internet ( i answered this quest in 4th quest so she laughed and said ok you just answered it)

these are quest that i remember. i have a quest friends. is it good when examiner stops you in changing the question while you are talking? because she stopped me even in 1 min talking question. i hope its because ''ok thats enough you can answer''
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Re: 10 May 2014 Istanbul IDP IELTS questions

Post by Ryan »

Hi Arazis,

Thank you very much for sharing this information. It appears your writing experience was similar to that seen in Egypt (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1554).

Thank you for making the extra effort to include what you recall from the diagram.
is it good when examiner stops you in changing the question while you are talking? because she stopped me even in 1 min talking question. i hope its because ''ok thats enough you can answer''
What happened exactly? She stopped you 1 minute into your Part 2 monologue?
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Re: 10 May 2014 Istanbul IDP IELTS questions

Post by arazis »

You are welcome. This forum helped me so much so i wanted to share something :)

Actually examiner constantly changed the topic or asked new questions and also in task2. Maybe i couldnt realise how time passed during exam, but it seemed like that to me.
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Re: 10 May 2014 Istanbul IDP IELTS questions

Post by Ryan »

arazis wrote:Actually examiner constantly changed the topic or asked new questions and also in task2. Maybe i couldnt realise how time passed during exam, but it seemed like that to me.
That's interesting. Were you given 1-2 minutes to speak uninterrupted in Part 2?
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Re: 10 May 2014 Istanbul IDP IELTS questions

Post by arazis »

I am not sure now, because i cant remember exactly how many seconds i talked. There was a moment when the examiner asked me, do you like taking photos by camera or phone and i answered and explained why, and one of the reasons that i like taking photos by my iphone is i have photography blog and its easy to share it immediately. After that answer she looked on her question paper and asked okk..do you prefer to share your photos or? and then she stopped and smiled and said okk you just answered that question :) this situation happened twice during exam. Another interesting moment..i remember.. first question was about where you live and do you like the place and etc. i said i live in the dorm and explained why, again she asked do you think the place/area you live is good for families to live or something like that..and we both laughed because answer was clear :) I hope these interesting moments will affect my score positively.

Thank you :)
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