task 2! help me to check, plz

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task 2! help me to check, plz

Post by aprodigy »

Topic: History has little use to students. What extent do you agree?
In a fascinating and constantly changing world these days, we must continually learn and acquire new knowledge if we want to keep up with scientific and explosion. Studying history can be considered as one of the most prominent issue of our society. Some people believe that it is necessary for us to learn history. However, I totally disagree with this for several reasons
First of all, studying history helps students to develop some skills which might be beneficial for their future careers. It is obvious that learners are exposed to various types of data and evidence which lesson in the past gives. Furthermore, they also improve the assessment skill for strategies and plans in the certain fighting events. For example, after the lesson of World War I, most students seem to realize that America had a large number of benefits from other countries which took part in this war.
Another advantage of history is to have a comprehensive outlook about the past. In fact, if there were not historical books, the heroes and victories would not know nowadays. In a little more detail, from the historical events we surely understand the origins of modern political and social problems; even the development of economy in a country. As a result, it is expected that the same mistakes in the past might be avoided and the new horizons will be opened for young generation
In general, history brings a great deal of benefits for modern citizens in terms of personal skills and profound understandings about the past. Therefore, it is essential for researchers and learners to maintain and develop this subject.
Help me to check in terms of band description!
Thanks a lot
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Re: task 2! help me to check, plz

Post by Flick »

aprodigy wrote:Topic: History has little use to students. What extent do you agree?

In a fascinating and constantly changing world these days, we must continually learn and acquire new knowledge if we want to keep up with science and exploration. Studying history can be considered one of the most prominent issues in our society. Some people believe that it is necessary for us to learn history. However, I totally disagree with this for several reasons.

First of all, studying history helps students to develop skills which might be beneficial for their future careers. It is obvious that learners are exposed to various types of data and evidence which lessons from the past can provide. Furthermore, studying history can also improve assessment skills for strategies and plans in the event of global conflict. For example, after the lesson of World War I, most students seem to realize that America received a large number of benefits from other countries which took part in this war.

Another advantage of history is to give the student a comprehensive understanding of the past. In fact, if there were no historical books, heroes and victories would be unknown today.. In a little more detail, from historical events we surely understand the origins of modern political and social problems; even the development of economy in a country. As a result, it is expected that the same mistakes in the past might be avoided and new horizons will be opened for younger generations.
In general, history has a great deal of benefits for modern citizens in terms of personal skills and profound understandings about the past. Therefore, it is essential for researchers and learners to maintain and develop this subject.
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