I had taken the exam for the first time in 2009 and I only scored 6 which totally put me off the whole thing. Now and after 5 years I took the exam for the second time. I took more time to prepare for the exam than the last time which is very important. Here is how I changed my score:
- Timing is everything. I practiced many of Cambridge IELTS exams using stop watch.
- Professional Help. I watched a lot of YouTube videos on how to improve myself.
- I installed the BBC news application on my phone and I have read news articles on a daily basis.
- Movies are fun. I watched a lot of movies to improve my listening skills. I started with subtitles and then moved on to watch movies without them.
- Speaking is a mental process. I trained myself to have English thoughts. Translating your thoughts from your native language to English would only hinder your speaking capability.
- I trained myself to imitate an American accent. YouTube is rich with accent training videos.

Listening 8
Reading 8.5
Writing 6.5
Speaking 7.5
I wish you all the best of luck in your upcoming exam!