Speaking questions seen 29 August 2017 in Sri Lanka

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Speaking questions seen 29 August 2017 in Sri Lanka

Post by Ryan »

Just received this by email:
Part 1

What's your full name.
Which what part of the country you are from?
Do you like the place you live?
Will you stay in this place in the future?

Let's talk about robots.
Do you like robots
Do you like robots in your house
Have you enjoyed cartoons with robots when you were a child?
Do you like to have a robot in your car?

When you buy shoes would you go for appearance or comfort
Have you bought shoes online.why/
Why not
Some people have lots of pairs of shoes ? What do you think about that?
Would you go for costly shoes?

Part 2
Cue card
Describe an incident when you got excited when you were trying to do an activity for the first time.
What was the event
When was this
Why it was so exciting?

Part 3
Have you told this incident to others?
Why do you think some people take more risks in their lives?
What are the consequences of taking risks
Do you think you should avoid all risks?
Should there be some guidance when children take risks?
What can the government do to reduce risk taking behaviour ?
Do u think people learn from their past mistakes than from success
What do you think of living in a society where no one take risks?
Thank you to the sender! ;)
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Re: Speaking questions seen 29 August 2017 in Sri Lanka

Post by Ryan »

A followup email arrived:

The writing Task 1 was with a bar chart..the number of visits to a web site on its first and second year.

The months started with sep. And ended in Aug. This was not written in words.
I have attached a bit similar chart on my next e mail.
But the values are not accurate. And the y axis was marked by 5000, 10,000... likewise. . I cannot exactly remember. ..but the pattern was like first year started in a low value and then increased ..by the mid way it fell down to the starting value and goes further down and then pick up gradually.
Second year always higher than the first year except in the last month of August. Values are not correct.

Task 2
Teaching in schools about local history or history of the world...
Which one is better..give your opinion. .

Wording is not exactly the same. It was written much better than this. Please alter.

Reading passages..
1. Floods and forest fires
2. Language of a tribe group..Piraha Where they do not use numbers.. or do not talk about future..

3. Something about sports related injuries in children . How it is mis interpreted. And with correct age related ways of coaching and precautions its actually less than in adult sports..some Australian research on this issue
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