Turning point

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Turning point

Post by Muxtar »

Hello everyone,

Please listen to my record and grade it
Turning point.mp3
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Re: Turning point

Post by lmoore »

It sounds like this was a very dramatic event in your life. Thank you for sharing with us.
First, you have good vocabulary when you speak. This time, you said some nice words like “incredible,” “sequence of events,” and “negative impact.” These are specific and higher-level.
Here are some areas to work on:
1.) Grammar: You said, “The lava of the earthquake came up our village.” This error has to do with using prepositions correctly. I think you meant “volcano” instead of earthquake when you speak about “lava,” so, in this case, the lava would come “down” on your village. Also, you said “don’t never” near 2:10, and this should be “don’t ever” to avoid using double negatives.
2.) Repetition of words – You said “incredible” a couple of times, and you want to avoid repeating yourself. Instead, you might have said “unbelievable,” or “amazing.”
3.) Word choice – As I mentioned previously, you likely wanted the word “volcano” instead of “earthquake” at the beginning of your speech. You also said “immigrate” instead of “evacuate” or “relocate” when you talked about the government moving people from the village.
4.) Verb tense – Since this happened in the past, be sure to use the past tense forms of verbs instead of the present tense. For example, you said “impact the whole village” instead of “impacted.” You also said, “I don’t have a opportunity to get new jobs at that time.” This should have been “I didn’t. . .”
5.) Articles – When you have a noun that begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), use the article “an” before it if you are speaking about a specific noun. In the last example of #3, you should have said, “an opportunity.”
6.) Singular vs. plural nouns – You said, “destructions of the people. . .” This should just be “destruction.” Also, you said “to get new jobs,” but one person can have one job, in general, so you should have used “a job” instead.
7.) Pronunciation – Near 2:08, I think you said, “occur,” but I couldn’t tell. It came out “okyur” instead of “ukhur.” I couldn’t tell if that was the word you were using for sure. Also, I think you may have said “coincided” near 2:10, but I couldn’t tell for certain.
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
Posts: 94
Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:41 pm

Re: Turning point

Post by Muxtar »

THANKS A LOT for evaluting my record
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