Kindly , Evaluate my Task 1

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Kindly , Evaluate my Task 1

Post by Elseady2014 »

The line graph depicts the change in temperature throughout the year among four different cities , Auckland and Christchurch , Newzealand and London and Edinburg , UK

Regarding the UK cities , they witnessed a very low temperature at Jan and Feb which was 5 'C for both UK Cities and then it rose gradually to reach a peak of 15 'C for London and 22 'C for Edinburg at July , prior to experience a modest decline through the rest of the year to reach less than 6 'C at the end of the year

On the other hand , Newzealand cities recorded a different attitude , they showed avery hot weather at Jan and Feb when it reached up to 25 'C and then it decreased regularly to reach alowest degree of 10 'C and 15 'C for both Auckland and Christchurch respectively. Then they witnessed a slight increase through the next five months to reach above 20'C at December

The overall trend shows that Newzealand cities are much more warmer than UK cities on the whole , regardless the season.
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Re: Kindly , Evaluate my Task 1

Post by Flick »

Elseady2014 wrote:The line graph depicts the change in temperature throughout the year among four different cities, Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand, and London and Edinburgh, UK.

The UK cities witnessed a very low temperature of just five degrees in January and February which rose gradually to reach a peak of 17'C for London and 22'C for Edinburgh in July, prior to a modest decline throughout the rest of the year to reach about seven'C by the end of the year.

On the other hand, the New Zealand cities recorded a different pattern. They showed very hot weather in January and February, reaching almost 25'C before dropping regularly to reach lows of 10'C and 15'C for Christchurch and Auckland respectively in July. Then they experienced a steady increase over the next five months to reach above 20'C in December.

The overall trend shows that New Zealand cities are much warmer than UK cities on the whole, regardless of season.

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