Excuse me , would you mind assessing my Task 2 :)

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Excuse me , would you mind assessing my Task 2 :)

Post by Elseady2014 »

Throughout history Imprisonment has been the standard method of punishment . Most people agree that the best way to deal with criminals is to take them out of the society and put them in prisons so citizens could live freely and peacefully but on the other hand there are many who believe that applying medical and psychological assistance would be a better alternative as they provide a better chance for rehabilitation

Firstly , safety is the first thing everyone is looking for , so on one hand the majority of people agree with the idea of taking away the criminals from the society and steal the right of freedom from them as a punishment to their crimes and thus makes it clear why imprisonment has been the recommenced way of punishment for offenders . In addition this strict penalty would make the bad people think of their crimes and try to change themselves to cope with the outside world later

On the other hand , there are others who call for other solutions which could make a change for the coming future , they prefer to apply medical and psychological assistance to criminals seeking to reach the root causes that made them commit their crimes and then it will be accessible offering strategies and possibilities to help them end the violence from their behavior and introducing them as good persons to the society again

in conclusion , prisons serve to act as a good isolator of bad people from the good society but also thinking of offenders as humans who need help to be good citizens by rehabilitation is something should be taken into consideration .

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