Writing Task 2: Every year several languages die out.

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Writing Task 2: Every year several languages die out.

Post by vinoth »

Globalization and proliferation of English language have led to the demise of several languages.While some people believe that a common language will benefit the society as a whole, others believe that local languages must be preserved. I strongly agree that local languages have to be protected.

Firstly, local languages carry vital information about the culture and local practices. These pieces of information are crucial for learning about the culture, practice or skill. For instance, engineers who want to learn about Japanese' quality practices are advised to learn the Japanese language to gain a better understanding of quality. Alternative treatments such as Ayurveda, Chinese traditional medicine are passed on from one generation to the next using local language. We as a society would lose valuable information if languages go out of use.

Secondly, there is a large body of research that shows that students learn faster when they are taught in their native language. Forcing a single language would make us all think along the same lines. There would be no diversity among us. Diversity is seen as an important element in tackling complex problems.

Thirdly, each local language has some uniqueness. There are certain words in each language that are used to express a certain emotion, practice or feeling. For example, there are words to express a special deep root feeling for one's native place, smell of a freshly brewed beer etc. Such uniqueness would be lost forever as more and more languages die.

To conclude, languages are an important element of each society and preserving those languages hold the key to understanding these cultures. I feel that governments bodies should take measure to prevent the demise of local langugages.
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Joined: Tue May 24, 2016 11:21 am

Re: Writing Task 2: Every year several languages die out.

Post by vinoth »

Hi David. Please review my essay.
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue May 24, 2016 11:21 am

Re: Writing Task 2: Every year several languages die out.

Post by vinoth »

Hi David and Flick, could you please review my essay.
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