please review task 1

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please review task 1

Post by ucheoma »

Given is a table the amount of sales in euro for coffee and banana in five European countries namely United kingdom,Switzerland,Denmark,Belgium and Sweden.
Overall it can be seen that the united kingdom sold more coffee in 2004 while Switzerland sold more banana in the same year.

To begin with, while 1.5 million of euro was sold for coffee in 1999 for uk,there was a soar in sales for same product ,a figure of 20 million euros. This figure was markedly different in the other countries with the Swiss recording a sale of 3 million euro and a doubling of that amount in the 2004.The Danish sold 1.8million euro in 1999 and 2 million euro in 2004.Similarly,in Belgium a sale of just 1 million euro was recorded and 1.7 euro recorded in 2004.In Sweden, a mere sale of 0.8 euro was also recorded and only an increase by a small amount in the other year.

With reference to sales for banana,1999 recorded a sales of 15 million euro and a difference of 32 million euro sold more in 2004 for Switzerland. However, in the uk, there was a drop in sales with a mere 1 million euro sold in 1999 while 5.5 million was sold in 2004. In Belgium 0.6 and 4 million euro sold in 1999 and 2004 respectively. Sweden and Denmark had some change in trend, while 1.8 million euro was sold in 1999 and a reduced amount of sales in the range of just 1 million euro for the former, the later had likewise trend with 2 million euro sold in 1999 and 0.9 euro recorded in 2004.
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IELTS Examiner
IELTS Examiner
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Re: please review task 1

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »


Overall, a good response. You have included the required data and noted the main points at the beginning of the answer.

The first sentence of the first main paragraph is too long and grammatically mangled. However, grammar improves later in the answer.

Vocabulary is good, but often repetitive, e.g. recorded, sold. Instead of using the verb sell, you could use purchase, for instance.

All the best,
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