plz critique my

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plz critique my

Post by krish8286 »

please give honest comments and also mention areas of improvement..

thank you
Recording Feb 8 2016 10 35 10 PM.mp3
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IELTS Instructor
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Re: plz critique my

Post by lmoore »

Hi, krish8286.
Thanks for sharing your recording! Even though you didn’t post the cue card, I was able to easily follow what you were talking about, so you get points for good organization and coherency! I really liked that you had an introductory phrase and a conclusion. It helped me to better understand your answer and gave it a nice overall structure.
You were easy to understand, and your pronunciation was pretty clear. You were fluent, and able to find your words easily. It did sound like you have either rehearsed this answer several times or that you were reading it. Perhaps it was a combination of the two. I really encourage you to trust your ability to have a conversation in English. Rehearsed answers don’t give the examiner a chance to really see how comfortable you are speaking English. Be confident in your abilities to communicate.
Your vocabulary was good, for the most part. I heard words like, “distinguished, impoverished, and philanthropy.” I liked that you tried to use some more colloquial phrases, but it didn’t always quite work. For example, it was awkward when you said “hide her qualities under a bushel.” Instead, you might have simply said, “She was modest.” Your introduction was unique: “I’d like to kick off by saying. . .” I liked it. Another area to be cognizant of for improvement is that you said “What I mean to say is. . .” twice. You might try another phrase, such as, “In other words,” or “That is. . .”
Here are some grammar points:
--It will have to be – It WOULD be
--She belonged from a very rich family – belonged TO a very rich family
--One of the reason – REASONS
Best wishes as you continue to practice!
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