Ideas in General Writing Task 1 and 2

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Ideas in General Writing Task 1 and 2

Post by sidneyhua »

Hey guys,

I'm struggling to think of a good ideas when responding to writing task 1 and 2.

Please note: i'm not suggesting sentence structure or how to write task 1 or 2... ONlY ideas.

Does any of you have a good resource for this ??

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Re: Ideas in General Writing Task 1 and 2

Post by Ryan »

Hi sidneyhua,

Yes, the writing section (particularly General Task 1) does demand that you be a bit creative. For your letter, you simply need to fabricate a situation that fulfills what the task requires. Share details when appropriate. Try as best you can to make the situation believable.

Thinking of examples for your essay is a little different. In my opinion, you're best to write about what you know. Thus, examples from your home country, iconic people you've read about, historical events you have some understanding of, personal experiences, scientific procedures you are aware of (etc) are all great areas you should be training yourself to pull from while writing. In addition to this, keeping abreast of world events arms you with situational evidence that you can put forth to help prove your point (it's also provides exposure to several different kinds of English, which benefits every area of your language progression). To start, make the BBC's Daily Commute ( and Learn English ( resources a part of your routine.

Good luck!
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