many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films.why could this be?

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many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films.why could this be?

Post by jaggi7921 »

Topic - many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films.why could this be?
Should governments give more financial support to local film industries.

It is true that figures of people's in case of watching overseas produced movies is more than for domestically produced. The essay will discuss firstly, the attractive features is one of the main cause of people preferences to seeing foreign movies and then talk about how state fund's help in promoting local film industries.

There are good grounds for arguing that foriegn movies are good in quality and also most of these are high budget films. That is to say the 3D effects, animations makes these pictures are more amazing as well as enjoyable, as a result, dwellers highly appreciate these kind of films. For instance, the effects,action and spectacular scene used in 300 hollywood movie make it more preferable choice of inhabitants. However, the locally released films usually are in bad quality and low budget movies.

In my view, governments should support lical film industries financially in order to generate good quality pictures. It is believed that if local producers and directors visit hollywood enterprises at least once, then there should be a good chance for them to learn some wonderful concepts and techniques to produce fabulous and effective films. For instance, a recent survey by The Times of India reported that home produced films often need good strategies and equipments to release some quality pictures. Thus, authorities should allocate certain amount of central fund for these industries.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that increase financial support could help in raising the standard of dnmestic movies ad would become able to compete with foriegn films that people most watch today's
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Re: many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films.why could this be?

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »

Hi jaggi!
Since you mention The Times of India, I'm going to jump to the conclusion that you are from India. If so, you have missed a wonderful opportunity to compare Indian and American films (Bollywood versus Hollywood: The final showdown!).
I think you focused too much on the technical side of Hollywood films. How about the stories and the stars?
When it comes to government support, I don't think that you have explained how such support would help the film industry. 'Strategies and equipments' is vague.
India is well-known for its computer programmers, so where is the problem developing good CGI? Bear in mind that a lot of Hollywood's CGI is done in foreign countries, like South Korea.
Thinking about such questions will help you to produce a better essay with clearer points.
Grammar is generally good, but vocabulary and spelling need more attention.
All the best,
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