Letters 9, 10 (Final)

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Letters 9, 10 (Final)

Post by Gelever »

Hi guys!
I've finished my preparation for WT1.
I'd like to bring to your attention my latest work.

Write a letter to a college Principal, where you attended a one day computer course and are unhappy about the way it was conducted.
  • explain what was the type of the course,
  • what happened and
  • what can be done to make sure this problem never occurs again.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing regarding the computer course entitled ‘Searching the Internet’ I took at your college yesterday. Let me expand on why I am dissatisfied with the way it was conducted.

As the booklet clearly stated, it should have been a sandwich course, and I expected some theory about searching engines before the practical assignments. Instead of that, an instructor just briefly introduced the attendees how to install a browser and adjust it. Unfortunately, I did not even know the definitions of some technical words and acronyms such as ‘cookies’, ‘URL’, etc. As a result, I was compelled to distract my classmates asking about these matters or seek the meaning of the terms in the Internet, because the instructor was busy most of the time fixing a laptop of another student.

I would like you to include some theoretical background in your course as long as instructors tend to operate incomprehensible and narrowly specialised concepts that most of the students simply do not understand in full. I am expecting you to undertake some efforts to improve the quality of your course.

Anticipating prompt results,

Your student, Andreas

Total: 185

Write a letter to your college’s administration department complaining about the college’s facilities. In your letter include:
  • what the problem is
  • how this problem has affected you
  • what the college should do to fix this problem

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the computers at the Applied Electronics Department’s laboratory that I have been attending since March 1, 2015. Allow me elaborate on why I am so frustrated.

According to my schedule, I have classes in the computer laboratory #116 every other day. Unfortunately, computers located in that room are not up to date. Additionally, they have no anti-virus software installed. As a result, the machines are plagued with viruses. That in turn causes my flash card to get infected every time I connect it to copy a piece of work I have carried out at home. You see, the last time I used a college’s computer, a virus afflicted the files on my memory card, and you can understand my shock when I lost my entire job since the beginning of the term.

My intention in writing this letter is to ask you to purchase some anti-virus software to eliminate the above-named problem. I would be grateful if you also exert some efforts to upgrade the computers in the laboratory.

Expecting prompt actions soon,


Total: 177

Thank you for attention. I'll decide if I post my works written under examination conditions. Probably, if it's too bad - I won't)) :)
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