task 2-Could you evaluate my essay?Aim=6.0

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task 2-Could you evaluate my essay?Aim=6.0

Post by mlkd »

The government should be permitted to censor the internet to help protect people from offensive content.Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays,some nations have not been allowing for using internet freely for preserving youth.It is not agreed that the using internet should be manipulated by government via censorship,even if it is in the pursuit of protecting young people from assaultive contents.This will be proven by analyzing how censoring the internet restricts individual's freedom of speech as well as,what is offensive to one person may not be to another.

Internet access has been restricted in some nations as a result of undemocratic regime and dictatorship,therefore it is linked between to intervene of an individual's freedom of speech more than the protecting youngesters from badly themes.However,apparently censorship does not seem like good way,because hackers or computer experts usually find new ways such as virtual private network(VPN) access for reaching any kind of content on the internet without censor.Furthermore,restrictions of internet can break the confidence of young people's perception toward the government.

On the one hand,meaning of the word of offensive can be changed from one to another.Internet has tremendous amount sources of all types of contents,both good and bad.For example,story of some famous movies and tv series are based on offensive contentsuch as violence,bloody scenes and crimes,however some people are affected
heavily,some of them not.On the other hand,governments usually would like to undercontrol internet access for hiding some bad facts or critiques about themselves under the name of protecting youngsters from the offensive contents.

Following the analyzation of a censoring the internet restricts to people's freedom of speech as well as some facts about meaning offensive towards people,it is clear that government should seek new ways in order to conserve their young citizens via some civil projects or campains and understand why young people want to reach offensive content.
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