How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first attempt

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How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first attempt

Post by siddharthmohan »

Hi All,

First of all, let me congratulate Ryan on designing a coherent platform for IELTS preparation.
Ryan's YouTube channel is undoubtedly, the best platform available for IELTS preparation.
I have been struggling in my IELTS prep for quite some time, and I finally achived my dream score following your tips and techniques.
I gave my IELTS exam (General) on 02-Oct-2014, and scored an overall BAND score of 8.5 in my first attempt.

Allow me to share a bit of my background information:
a) I (Siddharth Mohan) am a non-native speaker from INDIA. My first language is HINDI.
b) I am 29 years old and I have never travelled to any international destination.
c) I am a software engineer and hold a Bachelors of Technology degree (B.Tech) in Computer Sciences.

I have been eyeing for a IELTS training platform, as I believed for such a specialized exam, one needs to follow a different approach rather than just conforming to conventional study techniques (reading from Books, etc.).
One day just browsing through internet, I stumbled upon Ryan's YouTube channel.
I saw a couple of your videos, and I must say I was hooked.

I watched all videos (almost all) in 6 consecutive days (24*7), not recommended though but it worked for me. ;)
I kept making my own notes and came up with a ready reckoner sheet to touch upon all my weak areas.
When I got bored, I watched to IELTS high scorers interviews and I kept saying to myself, “It’s Possible”.
I owe this confidence to Ryan. Since,he presented the complete course in such a structured manner.

Each tip shared, no matter how trivial, was objectively aimed at maximizing one’s IELTS score (such as listening to BBC radio, audio books, etc)
These tips facilitated me in a holistic preparation for IELTS.

Thank you! Ryan for helping me (and many others) to achieve a great band in IELTS.

You Rock Sir!!

IELTS Detailed Score Card:
    Overall BAND:8.5
Last edited by siddharthmohan on Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scored Overall Band 8.5 in just 7 days prep

Post by Ryan »

Very pleased to hear of the success, Siddharth. Those are some truly amazing bands. Your hard work and focus have really paid off. Thanks for sharing the story! :)
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Re: How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first att

Post by venumalineni »

Hi Siddardh,
Congratulations, It is really very impressive. I am planning sit for IELTS GT exam in the coming months, but I haven't prepared anything so far, I am looking for on line training videos, After you shared you experience about Ryan videos, I thought I also can go ahead with these videos, but I am confusing the order which I should follow, I would like to speak to you through Skype to get clarification. Can you please leave me your Skype ID if possible.
My Skype ID is
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Re: How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first att

Post by OnlineEnglishTeacher »

siddharthmohan wrote: IELTS Detailed Score Card:
    Overall BAND:8.5
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Re: How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first att

Post by siddharthmohan »

venumalineni wrote:Hi Siddardh,
Congratulations, It is really very impressive. I am planning sit for IELTS GT exam in the coming months, but I haven't prepared anything so far, I am looking for on line training videos, After you shared you experience about Ryan videos, I thought I also can go ahead with these videos, but I am confusing the order which I should follow, I would like to speak to you through Skype to get clarification. Can you please leave me your Skype ID if possible.
My Skype ID is

Hi Venumalineni,

Thank you for your encouraging words!! Browse to the below URL:

You will be redirected to HOME page of Ryan's YouTube channel. Make sure you subscribe.
Complete content is classified in Steps and Appendices. Follow the steps and learn at your own pace.

All the best for your IELTS exam!
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Re: How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first att

Post by Sohan_Patel »

To Siddharth,

You've done a great job
Last edited by Sohan_Patel on Mon May 11, 2015 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first att

Post by siddharthmohan »

To improve your speaking, it is very important to listen to authentic sources. Being a non native, a made a deliberate attempt to listen to BBC Radio podcasts. You must be comfortable in making sentences on the go.
Also, you may form a group among your peers and make a conscious decision to converse in English language.
For Reading comprehension, it is advised to read the questions beforehand and then continue with the passage. Also, read the passage as if you were talking to a friend on an unfamiliar topic. You must be very attentive. This might take some time in getting used to but it will pay you heavy dividends in long run.

All the best for your exam. Feel free to reach me at
Happy to help! :mrgreen:
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Re: How to acheive 8.5 BAND in just 7 days prep at first att

Post by OnlineEnglishTeacher »

Also, read the passage as if you were talking to a friend on an unfamiliar topic.
That is an interesting comment.
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