effects of business trip

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effects of business trip

Post by allen_zhang »

People today leave home for business trips. What are the effects on children and other family members.

It is not uncommon for employees, especially those in sales or managerial potions, to be sent out on a business trip these days. Being away from their family members could have a significant impact on their families and this should not be over looked by employees and their employers.

When a parent is not at home, the children, those at a young age in particular, are the ones who are affected the most. Young children often miss their parents when they are away, which could have a negative influence on their behaviors at home or school. For example, some children get more sensitive emotionally and easy to become angry; and in some cases this may lead to a decreasing academic performance at school. Things may become even worse when the parent is on long term business trips frequently, as the lack of love and caring from the parent could result in disruptive behaviors at school and home.

When a person is out of home too frequent or for too long time, it could affect his or her spouse at home. The most common feeling of these spouses at home is that they worry about their husband or wife on the trip. For example, some survey shows that many people who have a spouse on business trip reported sleep deprivation. Another effect of this is that the spouses at home often have a sense of loneliness which could affect the relationship between the husband and wife, and in some extreme cases, it will even jeopardize their marriage.

In conclusion, the effects of business trip to family members are an issue that should be taken care of by both employees and their employers. Long term and too frequent trips should be avoided if possible.
#1 2013-09-07 L7.5; R8; S6; W6
#2 2014-03-08 L7.5; R7; S7; W5.5
#3 2014-05-10 L7.5; R8; S6.5; W6
#4 2014-06-21 L7.5; R6.5; S5.5; W7
#4 2014-06-21 L7.5; R6.5; S7; W5.5
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Re: effects of business trip

Post by Claire3 »

Hi Allen!

Hmmm it's an interesting topic. I've tried writing my own version of the question so hope this will help. :)

It is not uncommon for employees, especially those in sales or managerial positions to be sent out on a business trip these days. Absence of a parent within a family could significantly influence the kinship of the household to some extent and it should not be overlooked by both employees and employers.

The ones to be affected the most by temporary absence of a parent due to a business trip are the children. The lack of parenting and a sense of loneliness felt by them when their guidance is not around can catalyze negative behavioural problems including anger issues or loss of confidence. This can possibly hinder their academic performance and subsequently leave them with traumatised childhood memories if the business trip is long-term based.

The aforementioned issue is not likely to influence only the children but also the wife or the husband of the household. Having to keep up with a family life with a missing existence of a partner can weaken one of the spouses’ patience to embrace her/his sole responsibility to educate the children. My close friend’s husband is a renowned businessman and he thus has to travel around the world frequently. She often tells me that although his business trips advances the family’s financial situation, she sometimes feels that they are not able to build a solid relationship since they are not able to physically interact a lot.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned outlooks demonstrate some of the issues faced by family members when the head of the family goes on business trips. Although long-term trips for work are inevitable for some people, resolutions are believed to be established if they were to negatively affect the emotional foundation of a family.
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Re: effects of business trip

Post by Caleb »

This is making sense and i never really bothered it before.Well at the moment if we see on the basis of learning through something and getting better at it helps us and in the same way because we get to have ways to improve using all the terms are actually reasonable which works.
If we get to be aware of the things like jacksonville to new york city which are so useful for traveling we get a lot of help.
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Re: effects of business trip

Post by Flick »

allen_zhang wrote:People today leave home for business trips. What are the effects on children and other family members.

It is not uncommon for employees, especially those in sales or managerial potions, to be sent out on business trips these days. Being away from their family members could have a significant impact on their families, and this should not be overlooked by employees and their employers.

When a parent is not at home, the children, in particular those at a young age, are the ones who are affected the most. Young children often miss their parents when they are away, which could have a negative influence on their behaviors at home or school. For example, some children get more sensitive emotionally and become angry easily; and in some cases this may lead to a decreasing academic performance at school. Things may become even worse when the parent is frequently away on long term business trips, as the lack of love and caring from the parent could result in disruptive behaviors at school and home.

When a person is out of home too often or for too long a time, it could affect his or her spouse at home. The most common feeling of these spouses at home is that they worry about their husband or wife on the trip. For example, some surveys show that many people who have a spouse on a business trip reported sleep deprivation. Another effect of this is that the spouses at home often have a sense of loneliness which could affect the relationship between the husband and wife, and in some extreme cases, it will even jeopardize their marriage.

In conclusion, the effects of business trips on family members are an issue that should be taken care of by both employees and their employers. Long term and too frequent trips should be avoided if possible.
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Re: effects of business trip

Post by Flick »

Claire3 wrote:
It is not uncommon for employees, especially those in sales or managerial positions to be sent out on business trips these days. The absence of a parent within a family could significantly influence the functioning of the household to some extent and it should not be overlooked by both employees and employers.

The ones to be affected the most by temporary absence of a parent due to a business trip are the children. The lack of parenting and a sense of loneliness felt by them when their guidance is not around can catalyze negative behavioural problems including anger issues or loss of confidence. This can possibly hinder their academic performance and subsequently leave them with traumatic childhood memories if the business trip is long-term.

The aforementioned issue is not likely to influence only the children but also the wife or the husband of the household. Having to maintain a family life with an absent partner can weaken one of the spouses’ patience to embrace her/his sole responsibility to educate the children. My close friend’s husband is a renowned businessman and he thus has to travel around the world frequently. She often tells me that although his business trips advances the family’s financial situation, she sometimes feels that they are not able to build a solid relationship since they are not able to physically interact a lot.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned outlooks demonstrate some of the issues faced by family members when the head of the family goes on business trips. Although long-term trips for work are inevitable for some people, resolutions are believed to be necessary if they were to negatively affect the emotional foundation of a family.
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