Kindly review my essay

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Kindly review my essay

Post by lakh78 »

Discuss positive and negative aspects of vaccinating children.

In numeric geographical regions, thousands of children suffer due to infectious diseases. Medical science always endeavors to obtain remedies for such diseases which are caused by hazardous viruses. It is irrefutable fact that an ounce of prevention is better than pounds of cure.

Vaccination is the most effective method of preventing from such virulent diseases. For instance, vaccines brought worthy solutions for protecting the children affected by chicken pox and small pox. It not only just provides remedies for such toxic diseases and also helps improve immune system for vaccinated children. For example, two drops of polio vaccines would prevent the children lacking immunity and deliver a resistance system against polio-virus forever. Thus, vaccinated children will have the ability to incessantly develop their immune system for fighting against contiguous viruses and bacteria’s.

On the other hand, I would say vaccines always have few other disadvantages too. Vaccines do not always guarantee complete protection from all the existing infectious diseases. For instance, few vaccines for small pox are still ineffective for working against such unseen viruses. In addition to that, maladministration to vaccine will most likely result the worst possible consequences. For example, improper storage on any vaccines would cause disabilities even death. Moreover, over-dosage of vaccinated drugs may drag into possible outbreaks or adverse reactions on health. As outcome, children might be impacted with certain immune disorders even insoluble cancers in the future. To prevent from such problems, government must mandate an obligatory training for all the vaccinators around the world.

In conclusion, despite the disadvantages, if vaccines are dosed appropriately on time then children would definitely become healthier. I would suggest that government should offer all the available vaccines as free and also employ a compulsory vaccination system to all the children around the world.
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