important building

Daily (Mon-Fri) speech exercises with Ryan through Whatsapp
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important building

Post by durai »

Describe an important building in your hometown or city.
You should say:
where it is *
what it looks like *
what it is used for *
and explain why you think it is important.
important building
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JAN 2014 L 8.5 R 8 W 6.5 S 6.5
FEB 2014 L 8 R 8 W 7 S 6.5
APR 2014 L 8 R 9 W 6.5 S 7
JUN 2014 L 8.5 R 7 W 6.5 S 6
July 2014 L 8.5 R 7 W 6.5 S 6.5
OCT 2014 L 7.5 R 7 W 7 S 7
IELTS Instructor
IELTS Instructor
Posts: 232
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:40 pm

Re: important building

Post by lmoore »

Hello, Durai. I really enjoyed your talk about the conservation building. Thank you for sharing.

Your vocabulary was good, overall. I heard you use words like conservationist, expanding and glamorous, for example. These are high level words that will help you earn a higher band score.

Your fluency was good as well. There was a lack of “uhs” and “uhms” that contribute to a better speaking speed. Your speed was good. It was obvious that you were reading, however. Remember that you cannot read during your interview, and that you will have to speak in a conversational tone and be comfortable using correct grammar and vocabulary under these conditions. When you practice this speech, try to do it without your notes or full speech in front of you.

You said that people would think that the building is a very small construction. A better word might be building, although you use that one elsewhere in the speech. You could also use edifice, which may sound a bit too formal, but it would provide you some variety if you find yourself saying building too often.

Your pronunciation was easy to understand in most places. However, at first, I thought you said “spacey” instead of “spacious.” “Spacey” means forgetful and silly. The word “spacious” is pronounced “spayshus” instead of “spayseeuhs.”

There was a problem with subject / verb agreement where you said something along the lines of, “Sequence of rooms is really good and where IT’s supposed to be.” You could have said that the rooms ARE where they are supposed to be. Instead of “sequence” of rooms, a better word is “layout.”

In addition, “green marbles” should just be “green marble.” Marble floors, or the floor is made of marble are some examples of how marble is used. Furthermore, you said, “has been using,” and this should be “has been used” to indicate the past tense.

You didn’t use too many transitions to connect your ideas, but I noticed that you used “to add a bit further.” You might have said, “To add a bit more,” or “In addition.”

Finally, I liked how you wrapped up your conclusion. Using transitions, as I mentioned before, would help your speech to have more cohesion, or connection of ideas and organization within it, but your introduction and conclusion were good.

Thanks, and best wishes on your practicing!
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